solved Role: Communist (KPD)Communist Party (KPD): You are a revolutionary party
Role: Communist (KPD)Communist Party (KPD): You are a revolutionary party that aims to establish a communistdictatorship. Your main constituents are young, unskilled urban workers, who are suffering the mosteconomically. You oppose capitalism, religion, monarchy, liberalism, and Nazism. After failing toseize power by force in the early Weimar years, you took part in elections. You won Reichstag seatsbut have never joined or been invited to join any governing coalition. You loathe everyone to yourright politically because you believe they are all conniving with the Nazis and conservatives. You aremost active in fighting Nazis in the streets. You direct particular hostility toward the SocialDemocrats, whom you call “Social Fascists†for betraying Marxism and collaborating with otherparties.
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