solved So, after establishing the importance of forums, what is expected?

So, after establishing the importance of forums, what is expected? For your forum posts, most importantly, you need to contribute something which I call the “High and Low.” This is something I have adapted from my wife’s family when we review our day. We ask each one of our family members their High and Low of the day. You can only pick one High and one Low! This makes it difficult sometimes. For example, on our family vacation, the High of my day was spending time on the beach with our toddler son, but the Low of my day was me getting sunburned. Pretty easy, right? Sometimes its more difficult and thoughtful. For example, the High of my day at work was intellectually connecting with my students, but the Low would be forgetting to submit a significant proposal to my boss that was due today. Do you grasp the picture of High and Low? Now, how do we adapt this to our course text readings?
First of all, in relation to the course texts, High relates to something you really understood that the author was communicating. The High should be something you think is the author’s main argument and you understand, or something that really stood out to you or made you think in a different way. In relation, the Low should relate to something you found difficult in the reading, or did not understand, or possibly understood, but significantly disagree with the author. I am not looking for a novel, but 20 words will not suffice for what I am looking for. The forums, after reading your text and (hopefully) taking notes, should really only take you about 10 minutes to write. Of course, if any questions arise, please feel free to ask!!
Finally, for an example, let us examine the Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham. If you remember, Sam I Am relentlessly asks an unnamed character to try green eggs and ham. He continually tells Sam I Am “No! I will not have them on boat, with a goat, in a box with a fox, in the rain, on a train, ect.” Finally, at the end of the book, the unnamed character finally tries green eggs and ham, and ends up liking them very much: “I do like green eggs and ham, Sam I am!” With this book in mind, how do we apply High and Low? It could look something like this:
High: The high of Green Eggs and Ham was that the unnamed character, after much convincing, changed his opinion, tried something new, and enjoyed it! The book, I think, is to teach people that trying something new is a good thing.
Low: The low of Green Eggs and Ham is that Sam I Am does not seem to respect the unnamed character’s decision not to try green eggs and ham. Sam I am persistently and relentlessly bothers the unnamed character and does not seem to take “No!” for an answer. While I certainly do not think Dr. Seuss’ intention was to teach “never take no for an answer,” I find that his text is vulnerable to this critique.
So, while the above is simple, it shows the idea of what I am looking for in the High and Low forums. However, for our course readings, you will likely need to write a bit more than what was written on Green Eggs and Ham. As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I look forward to reading your forums to help facilitate discussion. Instructions : 1. Read the Prothero text and complete the forum. Read this slowly and try to grasp his frame of reference. As noted in class last week, this frame of reference is a religious studies perspective; he is NOT writing from ‘within’ a tradition. Remember our analogy: he is examining the car from the outside.

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