solved ss11 quiz Global warming is:Question 1 options:The gradual increase in

ss11 quiz Global warming is:Question 1 options:The gradual increase in the world’s temperature due to the use of wood for heating and cooking.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature due to the increase in population.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature as a result of the specific use of gasoline and diesel in cars.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation of the planet.SaveQuestion 2 (1 point) The greenhouse effect refers to:Question 2 options:The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise.The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases are destroying the ozone layer thereby allowing significantly stronger gamma rays from the sun to directly raise the Earth’s core temperture.The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases are created by the increased levels of food grown and raised to feed an ever-increasing world population.The effect whereby increased levels of carbon monoxide are creating an artificial solarium out of much of the earth.SaveQuestion 3 (1 point) The Kyoto Protocol is:Question 3 options:an international agreement to lower gas emissions by using smaller, emission free vehicles pioneered in Kyoto, international agreement championed by a joint effort between Canada and the United States to reduce gas international agreement to ensure that the destructive effect of greenhouse gases do not destroy the cultural heritage artifacts of Kyoto, international agreement to establish greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets for industrialized countries .SaveQuestion 4 (1 point) Ozone depletion refers toQuestion 4 options:the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the increased release of greenhouse gases.the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the increased population expelling more Carbon Monoxide; the composition of which breaks down ozone.the release chlorofluorocarbons into the troposphere which cause a thinning of the ozone layer.the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the greenhouse effect.SaveQuestion 5 (1 point) Chlorofluorcarbons (CFCs)Question 5 options:are responsible for the greenhouse effectdestroy ozoneare a result of global warmingare a result of the Aurora BorealisSaveQuestion 6 (1 point) The Montreal ProtocolQuestion 6 options:was established by the United Nations Environment Programme to phase out the use of ozone depleting chemicals.was a direct response to the Kyoto Protocol as it introduced a Canadian alternative to the emission free vehicles.established a set of standards for each of the signatory nations whereby they contributed to the erosion of the ozone layer within a set time period.set out the standards by which greenhouse gas emissions would be permitted by signatory nations.SaveQuestion 7 (4 points) In point or paragraph form, identify at least four threats to Canada’s water supply from your readings. Information on water is on page 432 – 436 in the eTextbookQuestion 7 options:SaveQuestion 8 (6 points) In at least one paragraph, give your ideas on possible solutions to the threats to Canada’s water supply. Think outside the box – maybe you can invent a new technology that would help?Question 8 options:SaveQuestion 9 (1 point) Global warming is the progressive gradual rise of the Earth’s surface temperature thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect.Question 9 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 10 (1 point) Natural and human factors affect global climate.Question 10 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 11 (1 point) Greenhouse gases absorb and trap heat in the atmosphere and cause a warming effect on the earth.Question 11 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 12 (1 point) Some solar radiation is reflected into space and some is absorbed by parts of our climate system.Question 12 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 13 (10 points) Global Warming MatchingQuestion 13 options:12heat-related deaths12industrialization12changes in water level12carbon dioxide production12reduction of permafrost12methane production12deforestation12increased temperatures12insect survival12late season run off1.Cause2.EffectSaveSave All Responses

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