solved Stonewall (1969) was an important marker of the start of

Stonewall (1969) was an important marker of the start of the LGBT movement, but I will argue that 1977 was more significant. On January 18, 1977, Ruth Shack, a Miami Dade County Commissioner, passed a local county ordinance to protect people based on their “affectional or sexual preferences.” This vote was not the first local ordinance passed to protect the LGBT population, but it was the first to receive such an intense backlash resulting in the ordinance’s repeal on June 7, 1977. These events drew the lines between the political left and the increasing importance of the conservative movement. This type of ordinance is public policy 101 and is what this course is about. Attitudes toward the LGBT CommunityPresident Truman signed Executive Order #9835 on March 21, 1947, requiring that government employees sign a loyalty oath to the United States. This order was designed to combat the threat of communism in the American government and ban LGBT individuals from employment in the foreign service. This act was not repealed until 1977 by President Jimmy Carter.Gay people were targeted, persecuted, and discriminated against too. Take a look at this report to Congress entitled “Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government (1950).” This report exemplifies the tone at the time of the government toward the LGBT community. Scan the document to get a feel for this attitude toward this group of people. (Links to an external site.)The fear of “communists” and “queers” was prevalent during this Cold War period. To provide an example of these types of initiatives, let us turn to the Johns’ Committee.In 1956, the State of Florida established a committee called the “Florida Legislative Investigation Committee,” but it became known as the “Johns’ Committee.” This commission was established to examine the influences of communism in Florida’s academic and civil rights groups, primarily the NAACP. They soon turned their attention toward finding and firing members of the LGBT community from the state college system, and several people lost their jobs or were removed from college. (Links to an external site.)Many people watch television to learn about current issues or relevant topics of interest. In 1967, CBS News broadcast a special on “The Homosexuals.” This program is a 45-minute show without commercials, but I was hoping you could watch this to be exposed to the era’s cultural milieu. (Links to an external site.)Contemplate these videos, and post your comments to your colleagues.Do you think it was fair to target gay men and lesbians? Should people lose their jobs for being who they are? What did you think of the Johns’ Committee? What did you learn in the CBS special? What are your thoughts? Feelings? Reactions? How would your self-esteem be affected if society treated you this way?

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