solved Submit the survey instrument and a copy of the informed

Submit the survey instrument and a copy of the informed consent document you have prepared. Remember, you may not distribute copies of the survey or collect any data until the survey instrument and informed consent form have been approved by me.
The survey should include at the very least:
The questions/answer choices in the appropriate order. 
Your survey should be 15-20 questions and should contain questions that:
1) Collect demographic data so that ultimately you can discuss your sample population in detail (e.g. gender, grade, country of origin, ethnicity, etc. etc.
2) Questions to help you analyze your hypotheses (recall that  you should have at least three hypotheses you want to test. This includes the null and the alternative hypotheses). These should always be set up before running the analyses!!!!. Never after. If your null hypotheses is or is not rejected, you will need to explain why and provide support. This is the process of doing research.
3) Operationalize the independent and dependent variables from your hypotheses so you can conduct your analyses
Below you will find a good link to some basic demographic/socioeconomic questions that surveys generally ask: 

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