solved The assignment is to write a 7-10 page argumentative paper

The assignment is to write a 7-10 page argumentative paper about “The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker. I will attach the three page argumentative paper I wrote about this short story, received an 85. I want the research paper to focus on the harsh realities of social class. In addition to this he suggested I also compare it to “The Lesson” by Toni Cade. My teacher gave me this tip: Lilliana Hecker might be writing about the harsh realities of social class. If you think she is, it’s your job to show that she is and prove it. In this case, you would be writing about setting. Every story is set somewhere, sometime, and that “somewhere” is not only a place but a set of social/historical conditions. “The Stolen Party” is apparently set in Argentina in the second half of the 20th century. The textbook credit for the story is Other Fires: Short Fiction by Latin American Women, edited and translated by Alberto Aanguel, 1985. So, it’s not about immigration to the USA–it’s about social class in Argentina. A research paper could inform us about the particularities of class in Argentina (interesting country, very different from, say, Bolivia) but for your essay, no research, so you’d have to stick to social class in general. Use what I’ve written and incorporate it into the argumentative research essay.

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