solved The capstone project for the course leverages the exercise from

The capstone project for the course leverages the exercise from M2 Data Manipulation Project. Just like your work in Module 2, your task is to take a set of raw data and “convert” it into information by adding meaning to the data.

This time you will choose your data source and create the data manipulation necessary to transform your source from raw data into meaningful information. Doing so will require an added layer of creativity as you choose the data source, the vehicle to give it meaning, and the format by which to present it.

The goal is to develop your skills as a new community health informatician, while further ingraining in you the foundational principles driving health informatics. You should develop your project in a manner similar to what you did in the M2 Data Manipulation Project. Be sure to include how data differs from information and demonstrate that difference in how you present your project.

Briefly summarize the data set used. What information and/or knowledge can be extracted based on the transformations you’ve performed? How does this project relate to the various other module topics you’ve learned about (privacy/security standards under HIPAA, online medical resources, ethics, EHRs, PHRs, EBM, or HIE. Look at all those acronyms you now know so well!).

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