solved The paragreaph is abotu hate vs speech Learning Objective:For this

The paragreaph is abotu hate vs speech Learning Objective:For this assignment, you will develop a PIEIE body paragraph on the way to writing effective essays that engage readers and present original ideas or points of view.This will allow me to give you feedback before you write the full draft of Essay 2.Directions:Step 1: Review! PIE + IE + IE… Complex academic paragraphs typically follow the PIE format and continue with IE, IE, IE to develop the ideas further; this additional information and explanation makes for a more persuasive and sophisticated idea.Make sure to review our Expanding PIE Paragraphs and Review: The E in PIE (Explanation). Step 2: Write one of your body paragraphs for Essay 2 in PIEIE structure. Remember that your Point should be a reason for your thesis (a reason you think colleges should either allow or ban hate speech).Your Information (two pieces of it), should be quotes from the articles that are introduced and cited in MLA.Your explanations should show HOW your information (quote) shows that your thesis/point is right. Please highlight your Point in yellow, your Information in pink and your Explanation in blue, like the sample above. Examples of a PIEIE ParagraphIn the paragraphs below:The Point is in yellowThe Information pieces are in pinkThe explanation pieces are in blueExample 1Colleges and universities should allow hate speech because banning hate speech does not eliminate the hate. The new generation of students are a very passionate group of people and not letting them express their feelings can cause many issues. In the article, “Restrictions Against Hate Speech Violate the First Amendment,” McMasters asserts, “Even if laws that the Supreme Court would abide could be crafted, however, there is another, more difficult, problem for the advocates of such laws: They don’t stop hate … Censoring hate speech may have emotional and symbolic appeal but little if any utility as a solution. (3).” McMasters is explaining how hate will remain even if a law was made against it and how the law would not make it go away. Even if a law was in place, students will always find a way around it to express something they are passionate about. Essentially, a law will not make feelings go away. Adding on to this idea, McMasters also states, “Language is simply too mercurial for the constraints of legal definitions.” (4). Assuming hate speech would be banned only, students would still have their free speech and will find ways around the law with the words they choose. Courts would have to prove that it was hate speech instead of free speech and that would be a waste of time and the tax payers’ dollars. In addition, in the article, “Colleges Have No Right to Limit Students’ Free Speech, Cliff Maloney Jr.,” the Executive Director at Young Americans for Liberty, states, “It’s because of what our universities have taught a generation of Americans: If you don’t agree with someone, are uncomfortable with an idea, or don’t find a joke funny, then their speech must be suppressed. Especially if they don’t politically agree with you.” (1). Colleges being able to do this is unacceptable and students will stand up to this. Some students may even take this as an 4 attack on their beliefs and their rights and will try even harder to express their opinions, not reducing the hate which the colleges are trying to do in the first place. Even though the words may be hateful, letting students peacefully express their opinions, such as a group of students hatefully protesting white nationalists, is a better solution than finding ways to silence these students.

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