solved The Prompt:Â Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion

The Prompt: 
Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

Explain what Developmentally Appropriate Practice is.

Identify the core components 

Explain why positive child guidance is important for caregivers.
Explain the purpose of child guidance.

First person to respond to:
by Alexus Hands – Saturday, June 5, 2021, 4:30 PMNumber of replies: 0
1. Explain what Developmentally Appropriate Practice is.

Identify the core components.

According to our textbook, developmentally appropriate practice defines “early education and care that is carefully planned to match the diverse interests, abilities and cultural needs of children (Miller, 2016, p. 5).” Therefore, the importance of DAP would be that the practices are appropriate for each child and relevant to their abilities, needs, and interests. As younger children accomplish various developmental milestones, activities and concrete materials adapt to meet children’s needs appropriately. As a result, today’s classrooms contain children who all have differences that can be culturally, physically, emotionally, or even intellectually. That is why teachers, childcare givers, and early childhood educators must know each of the children’s backgrounds in their care so that methods or activities can spark their interests and motivation to learn.
One of the critical components of DAP would be knowledge must inform decision making (Miller, 2016, p. 6). Adults who work with younger children must have the ability to display a complete understanding of early childhood development and how a more youthful child learns. Children are maturing daily, and an educator who is observant and aware of what makes up the personality of each of their children is someone who will know how to make the appropriate decisions in the classroom when it comes to learning. It is also beneficial for both children and adults to learn more about the children’s social and cultural backgrounds so that both educators and parents can have open communication when it pertains to their child’s development within the classroom. Finally, to better follow DAP’s guidelines, there must be positivity, respect, and empowerment within the relationships between adults and children in early childhood settings.
The second component of DAP would be challenging and achievable goals (Miller, 2016, p. 6). For children to be genuinely successful in learning, there has to be a collaboration between the home and classroom settings. Parents want to be aware of their children’s academic progress and ensure that they receive the appropriate attention and care. Educators have to work alongside families by allowing them to have an active voice and role in their children’s education. Parents can provide educators with information about how their children are doing outside of the classroom, and together both can select which teaching strategies will better promote their children’s progress. Open communication about a child’s progress is vital to the relationship between parents and educators, and discussion can only accomplish this from effort on both sides.
Lastly, the third component of DAP is teaching must be intentional to be effective (Miller, 2016, p. 6). Environments centered around DAP learning help children achieve their full academic potential. Rote memorization is a method that can cause children to waste valuable time that appropriate activities can direct to more hands-on, sensory learning. Classroom settings must allow children to continue with healthy development by providing proper guidance through social, emotional, and physical exploration or play. Educating children must include curriculums that will have children achieve attainable goals and assess their ability to grasp the learning material.
2. Explain why positive child guidance is important for caregivers.

“Child guidance builds a foundation on which everything else in the child’s life is built, including social interaction with others, learning and emotional development (Miller, 2016, p. 11).” Positive child guidance is critical for caregivers because of the influence professionals have on children’s lives and how addressing children’s needs will benefit them well into adulthood. Young children need to be able to practice basic skills and be introduced to societal norms and rules. Guidance is a concept that comes with practice and allows caregivers to be role models for children to imitate and be inspired. Self-direction and independence are key personality traits that can influence children’s choices and behavior inside and outside the classroom.

3. Explain the purpose of child guidance.
Child guidance serves as a way for adults to meet their development needs by being positive adult figures in a child’s life. Adults need to support children and their natural motivation for self-control and independence. “Positive child guidance involves guiding children as firmly as necessary, as gently as possible, and always with respect (Miller, 2016, p. 12).” Children are curious about how we as adults function and are interested in the things we do. The basis of child guidance is not centered around completely changing a child’s behaviors; it allows children to make mistakes and find positive ways to address responsibility and rules.

Miller. (2016). Positive Child Guidance. Cengage Learning.
Second person to respond to:by Tasia Jones – Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 12:30 PMNumber of replies: 0
1. What developmentally appropriate practice is that making sure that every child’s needs are taken care of.
Commonality – Getting to learn all you can about children.
2. Individuality- Getting to know how the child lives, also who is around that person at any age.
3. Context- Children need lots of education in order to be successful. If they have that in their lives, children will succeed.
2. Child Guidance/Caregivers- Child guidance is really important for caregivers because it will show that person what kind of environment they will be providing. They can provide protection, encouragement, and acceptance. Every child needs all of that to make them feel like they matter. All of them matter that is the whole reason for taking this course, to explore all you can about children. I love kids so I figured why not explore my mind with the life of kids. I may only be 21 years old with no kids, but I do know how important it is to protect and help them. Without kind words what do they have in life.
3. The purpose of child guidance- To provide the children with as much education as possible. Teaching should be a gift when working with kids, I know at times it may be hard but in order to be successful with them you have got to try. Also in the classrooms make them feel important, put all of your attention on them, because teaching them is what matters as well.

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