solved The Prompt:Â Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion

The Prompt: 
Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

Describe how young children communicate.
Explain why communication is important for child guidance.
Define attentive listening and explain how it nurtures a sense of belonging?


PowerPoint Presentations
Websites and Video located in the “Additional Resources” section of the Module
Additional research conducted by the student using credible sources

by Tasia JonesNumber of replies: 1
1. I think how young children communicate is by crying, squealing, facial expressions, eye contact, smiling, grimacing, gestures and body movements. They will show you that they need attention in all of these different ways. This is telling the parent that the child needs one’s attention at the time. All kids do this now some parents get frustrated with this because to them the child is like nagging them. It is not consider a nag if they are just babies. Children will always need their parents attention because it is part of growing up, communication is a very important factor in a child’s life because if they don’t talk to the parent or show them how they feel how will one know if the child is hurt or something like that. So as a parent it is your job to address them no matter how many times they call you over your the parent so show the child that you care about them and just communicate with them.
2. Communication is important for child guidance because it is a big step in their life. By not communicating they will shut down and not be able to come to their parent about anything. One does not want that to happen to their child. As a parent or guardian it is your job to open to your child and help them communicate with you so they can do an even better job of it themselves. Communicating is one major factor because if they do not talk to you then what kind of communication do you have with them? That is the kind of question that not only that you ask the child but yourself also. Everyone should think that communication with your child is important because it will make one feel good about having to had talked to them. Do not be afraid as parents or as a child to talk to your family there is no harm in that I’d rather have plenty of communication then none at all their is no such thing is too much of it I learned that from my mother I can come to her and my dad about anything so as a early childhood education teacher encourage the students to be more open with not only themselves but everyone as well.
3. How does Attentive Listening help nurture a child and a sense of belonging? It helps them see things clearer in the world. Not only that but it gives them more knowledge as to how listening is just as important as anything else that they like. Making them feel like you are listening to them is good because it is saying like okay we’ll their listening to me so he or she must of heard what I said to them. I cannot tell you how important listening is especially for a child at any age it does not matter at all, please to anyone who is having a hard time getting your child to listen there is no harm or shame for asking for help. Someone will always be willing to help those with kids. Or talk to maybe a guidance counselor or someone close to the child, children tend to open up more to people who are they really close to. Make sure that you key into their brains how important that it is to listen to themselves, teachers and also one as a parent so that way they will always have that with them along the way.
SECOND PERSON TO RESPOND TO:by Elin ShearinNumber of replies: 1
Young children communicate by engaging in self-talk at first. Eventually, they communicate with those around them. Young children tend to be physical with their communication before they have the vocabulary to talk to others. Emotions, such as anger, can be communicated by biting or hitting. As a child grows and matures, their communication matures with them.
Communication is important for child guidance because as adults it is our responsibility to prepare children to function as adults. Communication helps to develop a child’s inner control and his own sense of responsibility and respect for the rights of others. This will be very important for children as they grow up and become adults. Our textbook says, “Children learn effective skills as they watch, listen to, and interact with consistent adults who set a good example. There is more than one way to communicate with young children and if these are not positive communications, children will not grow up to become responsible and respectful adults.
Attentive listening is essentially listening with not just words, but with nonverbal gestures as well. When you listen attentively to a young children, encourages them to express themselves and to practice their language skills. Ways that you can listen attentively are by using appropriate nonverbal gestures such as nodding, smiling, and looking concerned. Also, using verbal responses that draw out and encourage the child. Finally, waiting patiently for the child to complete what they are saying and not finishing their thoughts for them is how you can be an attentive listener.

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