solved The question-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many

The question-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many different aspects like ships, platforms, ports, cyber security, and personnel. about the different aspects of threats to maritime operations (c) leading Saudi laws of relevanceI want you first to check each aspect I wrote and add the sources to make each paragraph clearI want to talk about the threat in each aspectabout the incidentsand how it effects people economyalso, I want you to write two paragraphs. One about the personal threat and one about Saudi law. You will see below the sources.-Please do not mix aspects together. Use OSOCLA Referencing styleCompete with the paper I upload.It must be:standard font of 12pt size.Text must be line spacingMargins at the binding edge must be not less than 40 mm and other margins not less than 20 mm.I want to write a paragraph about personalFile name Qaeda page number 31Saudi Arabia has been home to many terrorists to date. It is a fact that the Al-Qaida terrorgroup is set in Saudi Arabia. To support these terrorism activities,file name Qaeda page 35In 1996, Saudi Arabia formed a coalition with the UnitedStates to counter Al-Qaida activities.file name QaedaHowever,File name Qaeda page 30After two year from the The September2001 attacks in the US,In the year 2003, Al-Qaida group made terror attacks within Saudi Arabia. Theinsecurity following these attacks enhanced the efforts on fighting terrorism for SaudiArabia and the international worldIn 1996, Saudi Arabia formed a coalition with the UnitedStates to counter Al-Qaida activitiesFile name Qaeda Page 4The first cell was the largest and strongest, and was responsible for the May 2003 attacks that announced the fact that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula had become a major threat.File name Qaeda 2 Page 11the government has arrested and detained more than 600 individuals and questioned over 2,000 with suspected ties to terrorism since September 11, 2001.In addition, dozens of suspects have been extradited from other countries.File name Qaeda 2None of these problems mean that Saudi Arabia is any sense secure against successful attacks in the future. While Saudi security is steadily improving in expertise, coordination, and training, Saudi Arabia is a relatively open society. It cannot protect every public building, area where foreigners go or live, or areas where ordinary Saudis can b e attacked.It is far from clear that the al-Qaeda organization in Saudi Arabia now has, or can pursue, a consistent strategy.File name Eski The prioritisation of commercial and transportlogistics pushes frontline port policing staff to treat anyone as a threat to the flows of commerce, includingthemselves, which makes port policing additionally exceptional compared to other policing areas.File name EskiPage 462Despite the importance and vulnerability of ports, and theinfluence of War on Terror governance, an ethnographic analysis of post-9/11 operational port security realities has remained non-existent in criminology, untilrecently (Eski, 2015).Whereas safety has been the predominant discourse within the maritime industryfile name port page 425Criminological analysisGiven the many previously mentioned dimensions of port insecurities and security post-9/11, criminology needs to develop empirical and theoretical research (Zedner, 2007). Port security personnel form interesting resources for criminological research, because through stricter actuarial regulation, they are assessed as security risks rather than as employees, depicting injustice of governing through security.file name port page Page 427In short, in port areas, security personnel deal with regulations originating from both environmental and counterterrorism policies and laws, that most likely lead to excessive securing and security consumerism. Therefore, port security provides a suitable context from which a criminological theorization of security in society can be drawn up. In working towards a general (criminological) theorization of the security society, criminologists ought to capture and understand personnel’s actions, attitudes and stories summarized into specific cases. Criminology, therefore, should steer a course for an empirical inquiry of the socio-cultural and ethico-political status quo of port security to theorize what is possible, rather than what is (utopian) ideally wished for in the current security society (Zedner, 2009).file name navel and readHighlighted color in page page 15Hilihted color page 17Highlighted color in page 18Hilihted color in page 22Highlighted color in page 24File name Navy 2 page 17In November 2007 the Saudi government claimed that they haddetained “more than 200 suspected militants, including a cell that had been planning animminent attack on a support installation in an oil-rich eastern province and others whowere attempting to smuggle missiles into the country.”54File name navelSaudi ports may still be vulnerable to infiltration from within bypotential terrorists joining the various security forces, or the potential incompetence ofthose security personnelpage 27 File name navelwhile the Saudi government concedes that some security officials”have been implicated in smuggling by sea” in the past, “this activity is severely punishedand does not seem to be more common than in other countries.I want to say an example of threat form people and you can put this example and the threat can come form people who work in the industry then put this example addition, on December 6, 2019, a member of the Royal Saudi Air Force opened fire in a classroom at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida, killing three and wounding eight. The gunman, 2nd Lt Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, was a student who was receiving training at the base. The FBI later noted that Alshamrani had coordinated with AQAP before the terrorist attack, for which the latter claimed credit. The Government of Saudi Arabia continues to work closely with the United States on the investigationThen open the link and write two sentecnes you will seeIn mid-January 2020, U.S. Attorney General William Barr labeled the shooting an act of terrorism.7 After the shooting, it was discovered that Alshamrani was a follower of al-Qa`ida propaganda, including lectures from al-Qa`ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki.8 Just prior to the attack,9 Alshamrani posted an anti-American message on his Twitter account, which repurposed the words of al-Awlaki as well as longtime al-Qa`ida leader Usama bin Ladin.10 In the posting, the attacker openly denounced the policies of the United States and Israel. Before the attack, he also retweeted articles that referenced Israel’s harsh treatment of Palestinians and a tweet referencing the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.11File name de goode page 24This is what Goode confirms that rather than gathering evidence and seizing proceeds after a crime, its obligations are essentially preventive, aiming to uncover and thwart any future terrorist actionsFile name Eski Page 464These (sometimes aggressive) rituals consist of, for example, identity checks,where one’s civil liberties can be seriously violated. However, one could also feelthat there are many security measures taken which provide a (false) sense of security.Therefore, the securityscape is not ‘only ‘‘what we see’’ but also ‘‘how we seeit’’. Securityscapes, like landscapes, represent a point of view’ (2000: 113I want you to write one paragraph about saudi law and you can put it in nationalSaudi terrorism lawFirst look at the pargraph from transfer reportNationally, the four conventions mentioned above have required countries to apply themwithin their own domestic legislation. However, no specific AML legislation existed in theKSA before 9/11. The Saudi government were forced to address the issue of ML as aresult of growing international concern that it was being used by terrorist groups such asAl-Qaeda to finance their operations. This was partly because the 9/11 terrorist attacks inthe USA were perpetrated by Saudi nationals and partly because of the internal Al-Qaedaterrorist attacks of 2003. The country’s first AML Law was passed in 2003, which aims togovern the flow of money nationally and across its borders.72However, this Law was subsequently replaced in 2012 and the current Law was laterpassed in 2017, which repealed the previous one.73I want to make similior the language but not the sameAML Law was passed in 2003Ant money loundering law 2012You can writeThe country’s first Law of Terrorism Crimes and its Financing was passed in 2012 ,However, after five year the laws subsequently replaced in 2017. Then after three years, the law was recently amended on 2020Then open the link and write one sentec and start of word(however,) new law carries an overly broad definition of terrorism similar to the previous law. Unlike the previous definition, the new one includes a specific reference to violence with the clause “harm an individual or result in their death, when the purpose – by its nature or its context – is to terrorize people or force a government or international organization to carry out or prevent it from carrying out an action.”You can also add one word the link and go down to Saudi arabia and you will seeyou will see this sentece so write one sentenceIn the context of our review of this law, and thelegislation it draws and builds upon, we consider its application might negatively affect the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental liberties in the Kingdom of SaudiArabia (Saudi Arabia).Then write sentece about Commercial maritime lawFirst read this sentenceThe New Commercial Maritime Law applies to all Saudi Arabianships and the foreign ones that dock into the Kingdom’s ports and designated maritimeareas(Khoshaim & Associates, 2019). However, local public vessels that are noncommercial and warships are excluded from the law.Then you can sayIn addition, Commercial Maritime law was passed in 2018, which aims to ……And put in the footnote source nameCommercial maritime law 2018.The sentence above is form the source name Final-Commercial-Maritime-Law-Bulletin-Eng-I want to make similar but not the same. Do not use the same word because it will be plagiarism.You can sayThe country’s introduced a new maritime commercial Law which was passed in 2018, which aims to….Then writeHowever, Then you can add sentece form new law modernizes commercial laws dating back to the 1930s.these regulations were decreed as part of the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative to, among other things, develop the KSA as a maritime and logistics hub

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