solved The term project should be no more than 15 double

The term project should be no more than 15 double spaced pages (plus anyappendixes, endnotes, etc.), and is due the last class. You may pursue any international accounting topic with your instructor’s approval. The key is that the topic relates to an international accounting real world problem. Prospective paper topics may also be distributed by your instructor, to stimulate student thinking. Below are some tentative topics: -Covid19 and International Accounting -Greenwashing and Cost of Capital: International Setting-Non-GAAP earnings reporting by MNC-Fair value accounting-Conservatism accounting following IFRS adoption-Transparency and income statement presentation choices-Earnings quality: USA vs Canada-OCI Recycling -Culture on financial reporting quality -FDI and accounting quality-FDI and sustainability -Blockchain and International Accounting -Machine Learning and I

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