solved the topic is: how is the Eurozone crisis works and

the topic is: how is the Eurozone crisis works and economy recovery from that.

The Origins of Money
Required reading

R.A Radford: “The Economic Organization of a POW camp”: Economica, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 48, (Nov., 1945), pp. 189-201 (via Troy Library Online)
L.v Mises: “The Function of Money” Chapter 1 from the Theory of Money and Credit (Links to an external site.)
Carl Menger: “On the Origin of Money” (Links to an external site.)
Armen Alchian: “Why Money?” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (JMCB henceforth)

Vol. 9, No. 1, Part 2 (Feb., 1977), pp. 133-140 (via Troy Library online)
Optional Reading

Charles Baird: “Alchian and Menger on Money” Review of Austrian Economics
W.S Jevons: “Money and the Mechanism of Exchange” (Links to an external site.)
Kiyotaki and Wright: “A search Theoretic Approach to Monetary Economics”

The American Economic Review Vol. 83, No. 1 (Mar., 1993), pp. 63-77 (via Troy library online)

Commodity and Fiat Money

Required Reading

L.v. Mises: “The various kinds of money” Chapter 3 from The Theory of Money and Credit
Murray Rothbard: “Commodity money in Colonial America” (Links to an external site.)
Angela Redish: “Anchors Aweigh: The Transition from Commodity Money to Fiat Money in Western Economies” The Canadian Journal of Economics Vol. 26, No. 4 (Nov., 1993), pp. 777-795
George Selgin: On Ensuring the Acceptability of a New Fiat Money Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Vol. 26, No. 4 (Nov., 1994), pp. 808-826

5. Joseph Ritter: “The Transition from Barter to Fiat Money” The American Economic Review Vol. 85, No. 1 (Mar., 1995), pp. 134-149
6. What is Bitcoin? Is it Money?
a.… (Links to an external site.)
b.… (Links to an external site.)
c.… (Links to an external site.)
7. George Selgin: Synthetic Commodity Money. Journal of Financial Stability. Vol 17. 2013
Optional Reading

George Selgin: Steam, hot air, and small change: Matthew Boulton and the reform of Britain’s coinage. The Economic History Review. Vol 56 (3)
George Selgin: “100 Percent Reserve Money: The Small Change challenge” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (Links to an external site.)
Malavika Nair: “Money or Money Substitutes: Answering Selgin’s Small Change Challenge”

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (Links to an external site.)
4. Bitcoin: A Primer for Policymakers (Links to an external site.)

Bitcoin and Network Effects

Required Reading

Larry White (2002). Does a Superior Monetary Standard Spontaneously Emerge? Journal Des Economistes et Des Etudes Humaines, 12(2), 269–281. doi:10.2202/1145-6396.1062
Kirzner, I. M. (1992). Chapter 10 The Meaning of Market Process (1996th ed.). New York: Routledge (Handout)
Dowd and Greenaway Dowd, K (1993). Currency Competition, Network Externalities and Switching Costs: Towards an Alternative View of Optimum Currency Areas. Economic Journal, 103(420), 1180–1189.
Luther, W. J. (2015). Cryptocurrencies, Network Effects, and Switching Costs. Contemporary Economic Policy
Nair and Cachanosky (2016): Entrepreneurship and Bitcoin: Breaking the Network Effect, Review of Austrian Economics

Optional Reading

Liebowitz, S. J., and Margolis, S. E. (1995a) “Are Network Externalities a New Source of Market Failure?”Research in Law and Economics, 17: 1–22.
Liebowitz, S. J., and Margolis, S. E. (1995b) “Path Dependence, Lock-in, and History.” Journal of Law Economics and Organization, 11: 205–226.
David, P. A. (1985) “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY.” American Economic Review, 75: 332–337.
David, P. A. (1986) “Understanding the Economics of QWERTY: The Necessity of History.” In: Parker, W. N. (ed.) Economic History and the Modern Economist. New York: Basil Blackwell.
Debt and Equity Finance: A Historical Perspective

Required Reading

Larry Neal (2000) “How it All Began: The Monetary and Financial Architecture of Europe during the First Global Capital Markets, 1648-1815” Financial History Review 7, pp. 117-140.
Stephen Quinn: “Goldsmith Banking: Mutual Acceptance and Inter-banker Clearing in Restoration London” Explorations in Economic History 34, 1997
Ann Carlos et al: “Learning and the Creation of Stock-Market Institutions: Evidence from the Royal African and Hudson’s Bay Companies, 1670-1700” The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Jun., 1998), pp. 318-344

Optional Reading (Books)

Walter Bagehot (1873): Lombard Street
A.P Usher: (1943) The early history of deposit banking in Mediterranean Europe, Book
Frank Melton: Sir Robert Clayton and the Origins of English Deposit Banking
Raymond de Roover: The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank 1397-1494

(also check out “Medici: Masters of Florence” on Netflix)

Bank Issued Money

Required Reading

Murray Rothbard: Chapter 6 & 7, Loan Banking and Deposit Banking, from the Mystery of Banking (Links to an external site.)
Guido Hulsmann: Has Fractional Reserve Banking really passed the Market test? (Links to an external site.)

Larry White: Accounting for Fractional Reserve Banknotes and Deposits, Independent Review (Links to an external site.)

George Selgin: “Those Dishonest Goldsmiths”, Financial History Review, Vol 19(3) 2012
Malavika Nair: “Fractional reserves and Demand Deposits: Historical Evidence from an Unregulated Banking System” Independent Review (Links to an external site.)

Optional Reading

Bagus, Howden and Gabriel: “On the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Legitimate Banking Contracts” Journal of Business Ethics 2014
Anthony Evans: “In Defence of ‘Demand’ Deposits: Contractual Solutions to the Barnett and Block, and Bagus and Howden Debate”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2014
Malavika Nair: “Fractional Reserve Banking, Client Collaboration, and Fraud”. Journal of Business Ethics, 2015
Central Banking (Theory)

Required Reading

Larry White: Chapter 4, The Evolution and Rationales of Central Banking, Theory of Monetary Institutions
Charles Goodhart: Why do Banks need a Central Bank? Oxford Economic Papers 39: p 75-89
Diamond and Dybvig (1983): Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance and Liquidity, Journal of Political Economy Vol 91(3)
Thomas Humphrey (1975): The Classical Concept of the Lender of Last Resort. (Links to an external site.)
Larry White: Chapter 6, Should Government play a role in Banking?, Theory of Monetary Institutions
Kevin Dowd: The Evolution of Central Banking in England 1821-90, from Unregulated Banking: Chaos or Order? (handout)

Optional Reading

Gorton and Huang: Banking Panics and the Origins of Central Banking. (Links to an external site.)
Michael Bordo. (1990), “The Lender of Last Resort: Alternative Views and Historical Experiences.” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Economics Review
Friedman and Schwartz: “Has Government any Role in Money?” (Links to an external site.)

4.   White and Selgin: “A fiscal theory of government’s role in money” Economic Inquiry, Jan 1999

Free Banking (Theory and History)

Required Reading

Murray Rothbard: Chapter 8, “Free Banking and the limits on Bank Credit Inflation” from Mystery of Banking
Selgin and White: 1994: “How would the invisible hand handle money?” Journal of Economic Literature Vol. 32, No. 4 (Dec., 1994), pp. 1718-1749
Richard Timberlake: “The Central Banking Role of Clearinghouse Associations”, JMCB Vol. 16, No. 1 (Feb., 1984), pp. 1-15
Gorton and Mullineaux: “The Joint Production of Confidence: Endogenous Regulation and Nineteenth Century Commercial-Bank Clearinghouses”. JMCB, Vol 19(4)
Kevin Dowd: “Competitive Banking, Bankers’ Clubs, and Bank Regulation”, JMCB Vol 26(2)

Optional Reading (Books)

George Selgin: Theory of Free Banking (free online) (Links to an external site.)

Vera Smith: The Rationale of Central Banking
Kevin Dowd: Introduction to “The Experience of Free Banking” (handout)
Gerald Dwyer (1996): Wildcat Banking, Banking Panics and Free Banking (Links to an external site.)
Selgin and White (1997): The Option Clause in Scottish Banking. JMCB, Vol 29 (2)
Rockoff and Briones (2005): Do Economists reach a Conclusion on Free Banking episodes? Econ Journal Watch. Vol 2 (2)
Larry White: Free Banking in Britain (Book, free online) (Links to an external site.)
The Federal Reserve (History and Policy tools)

Required Reading

Michael Bordo: “The gold standard” (Links to an external site.)
Michael Bordo: 1993: The gold standard, Bretton Woods and other monetary regimes: a historical appraisal. (Links to an external site.)
Murray Rothbard: Chapters 13,14,15 on the Origins of the Federal Reserve, from The Mystery of Banking, pages 191-234.
Michael Bordo and Wheelock: The promise and performance of the Federal Reserve as Lender of Last Resort 1914-1933. (Links to an external site.)
White, Selgin and Lastrapes(2010): “Has the Fed been a failure?” (Links to an external site.)
In-class screening of movie: “Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve” (if time permits)

Optional reading (Books)

Meltzer, A. H.A History of theFederal Reserve Vol. 1: 1913–1951. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003
Timberlake, R. H.Monetary Policy in the United States: An Intellectual and Institutional History.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Friedman, M., and A. J. Schwartz.A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960.Princeton: Princeton University Press and National Bureau of Economic Research, 1963.
Larry White: Chapters 10 and 11: “Discretion and Dynamic Inconsistency” and “Monetary Rules” from Theory of Monetary Institutions
Michael Bordo and AJ. Schwartz, “The Importance of Stable Money: Theory and Evidence,” Cato Journal, March 1983.
Kydland and E. Prescott, “Rules Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans,” Journal of Political Economy, June 1977, pp. 473-492.
A. Alesina and J Sachs: “Political Parties and business cycles in the United States” JMCB 1988, Vol 20(1) (Links to an external site.)
Monetary Political Economy I

Required Reading

Larry White: “The Rule of Law or the Rule of Central Bankers?” (Links to an external site.)

Larry White (2005): “The Federal Reserve’s Influence on Research in Monetary Economics” (Links to an external site.)
Boettke and Smith: “Federal Reserve Independence: A Centennial Review” (Links to an external site.)

White and Selgin (2005): “Credible Currency: A Constitutional Perspective” (Links to an external site.)

Salter and Furton (2017): “Money and the Rule of Law” (Links to an external site.)

Salter and Smith (2017): “What you don’t know can hurt you: knowledge problems in Monetary Policy” (Links to an external site.)
Monetary Political Economy II

Required Reading

Boettke, Salter and Smith (2018): “Money as Meta Rule” (Links to an external site.)

Boettke and Smith: “Evolving Views on monetary policy in the thought of Hayek, Friedman and Buchanan” (Links to an external site.)

Salter and Luther (2018): “Adaptation and Central Banking” (Links to an external site.)

Salter and Tarko (2016): Polycentric Banking and Macroeconomic stability” (Links to an external site.)

Political Economy of the Euro

Required Reading

Martin Feldstein (2006): :The Political Economy of the European Economic and Monetary Union” Journal of Economic Perspectives. (Links to an external site.)
Cecchetti and O’Sullivan (2003): “The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve” Oxford Review of Economic Policy Vol 19(1)
Barry Eichengreen (1991): “Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area?”. (Links to an external site.)
Bongardt and Torres (2016): “The Political Economy of Brexit: Why making it easier to leave the club would improve the EU” Internomics, Vol 51(4)

Optional Reading

Bagus and Howden: “The Tragedy of the Euro” Book,…

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