solved The XYZ Preschool operates on an academic year schedule from
The XYZ Preschool operates on an academic year schedule from September to May with separate summer programs from June to August. The school has three classrooms. One classroom has space for 8 children 3 days per week; the second classroom has 12 spaces 3 days per week plus 6 children on a fourth day; and the third classroom has 7 children for 3 days and 7 children for 4 days.ClassroomDays/WeekEnrollmentA – Tues, Wed, Thurs38B – Mon16B – Tues, Wed, Thurs312C – Tues, Wed, Thurs37C – Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs47In Classrooms A and B, children can be enrolled for 1, 2, or 3 days. The tuition is: 1 day/week$84/month2 days/week$165/month3 days/week$228/monthIn Classroom C, children can be enrolled for 3 or 4 days. The tuition in Classroom C is: 3 days/week$235/month4 days/week$266/monthWhile most spaces are filled by the time school begins, enrollment continues throughout the year if slots are available. The school’s fiscal year runs from June 1 through May 31. The budget must be approved in April for the following year with only partial data about enrollment. Salaries and tuition must be balanced against projected income. How would you budget your income using the enrollment information provided? -Include a narrative discussion of what you would do. For example, try to add students on days when you have slack capacity. -A spreadsheet showing your budget with the base revenue (per the number of students in the table) and the larger revenue with your proposed changes. – You can “copy / paste” the Excel results to the Word document if you wish.