solved There are 39 readings. You will select three of these
There are 39 readings. You will select three of these readings (any three single readings) and provide a brief response based on your interpretation of the assigned texts. Reading responses will be submitted through Canvas. For your chosen readings, reading responses are due the Sunday following class by 11:59 p.m. ET. Each reading response (RR) you submit will earn a grade of ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’. A Satisfactory RR will be at least 300—but not more than 600—words; it will raise either a deep question about or an objection to an argument in a particular reading. To ensure that I understand how your question or objection engages the argument you’re writing about, please provide some context by briefly (!) summarizing the part of the reading your question or objection concerns, but only summarizing will not earn full points. Sincere effort will typically suffice for a Satisfactory RR. I’ll provide brief comments on any RRs that I judge Unsatisfactory. Any RRs deemed Unsatisfactory can be revised in light of my comments. RRs that improve significantly as a result of revision may ultimately be deemed Satisfactory. You only submit three RRs for the semester (not three every week!). Do chapter 2, 5, and 9 from the text attached so 3 separate paragraphs
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