solved There are 6 ethical values that marketers are expected to

There are 6 ethical values that marketers are expected to uphold, and these are:
Honesty – Be forthright in dealings and offer value and integrity.
Responsibility – Accept the consequences of marketing practices and serve the needs of customers of all types, while being good stewards of the environment.

Fairness – Balance buyer needs and seller interest fairly, and avoid manipulation in all forms while protecting the information of the consumers.

Respect – Acknowledge the basic human dignity of all the people involved through efforts to communicate, understand, and meet needs and appreciate the contributions of others.
Transparency – Create a spirit of openness in the practice of marketing through communication, constructive criticism, action, and disclosure.

Citizenship – Fulfill all legal, economic, philanthropic, and societal responsibilities to all stakeholders as well as give back to the community and protect the ecological environment. (Links to an external site.)


Peer 1
A time I was a witness to unethical business practices that I can remember took place at the Nissan Dealership I used to work at (they’re no longer in business anyway so I can speak of this LOL). When customer would bring in their vehicles and were just out of warranty, we would put their mileage as being under the limit so we could cover repairs for them without them having a giant bill. Worked out well for the customers, and for us with customer loyalty, but really lot of things covered should not have been.
That same dealership also got a brand new Nissan Versa delivered and we called it the fishbowl because somewhere in the bodyline a seam wasn’t right so there was about 4 inches of water sitting in all the footwells in the car and there was absolutely mold growing. The sales department dried it out and fixed any obvious damage but then sold the vehicle to someone and 100% did not disclose it. I left shortly after so not sure how often that vehicle returned with issues.
Dealerships are garbage. I’ll only buy from one of the ones I’ve previously worked at and know the sales guys.

Peer 2
A situation I heard about where the unethical side of marketing was displayed is when Volkswagen got in trouble for a targeted misleading clean diesel advertising campaign, that their diesel vehicles were environmentally friendly and could pass emission testing when this was not true. It was later found out that software was installed in the vehicles computer that during an emission test would alter how the engine runs to make it run cleaner. When the vehicle was not being operated on an emissions test and just driven normally the engine would not run as clean and not be as environmentally friendly. Many people bought these vehicles due to claim that they were more environmentally friendly, and they were deceived by the company’s claim. Also the vehicles had to adhere to emissions testing standards in America and other countries as well, so the manufacturer Volkswagen deceived the countries governments. Due to this misleading claim Volkswagen paid $9.5 billion to consumers, and had to offer them either a buyback option, or make modifications to the vehicles emissions system, and they encountered fines.
This example of unethical marketing breaks many of the 6 ethical values. This is not being honest, Volkswagen was intentionally misleading their customers and governments into thinking their vehicle were environmentally friendly and clean burning when they were not. The manufacturer also was not being responsible, as this was carelessness and they did not take responsibility for the claim that their vehicles were clean burning and promoting a good environment. This was not fair to consumers, many consumers purchased the vehicles with the interest of them being environmentally friendly, due to being mislead customers did not actually get the product they desired. Respect was also broken, as Volkswagen did not respect consumers that were interested in promoting clean vehicles, did not respect the governments emissions rules and regulations, and also did not respect the environment with creating a vehicle that pollutes heavily but claims to be environmentally friendly. They also were not being transparent as they intentionally mislead and deceived their customers into a false product. This did not display good citizenship, as they broke emissions rules and laws that were put in place by the governments, did not create an environmentally friendly vehicle, and also this hurt the ecological environment by the vehicles polluting more. All around this was a bad move for the manufacturer Volkswagen, hurt their company image and they lost sales and resources.

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