solved There has been some controversy regarding language revitalization projects. Critics

There has been some controversy regarding language revitalization projects. Critics suggest that if there were only one world language, there would be more unity and communication between nations, and commerce would flow more freely. How important do you think speaking a heritage language is? What would we lose and what would we gain if we had one world language?
What impact does globalization have on body ideals and body image? Are the consequences positive or negative? Why do you consider this the case? Use the textbook to support your answer.
Culture change is an inevitable part of human society; changing one system of a culture often has an impact on the other systems of a culture. Identify some of the changes in economic, social, political, and religious institutions when same-sex marriage is legitimized.
In Chapter 8, social media is classified as a communication tool, not a catalyst for change. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? How much influence does social media have on your world view and your knowledge of political situations around the world? 
If you moved to another country temporarily (and some of you have!), would you try to hold on to your cultural practices and values, or would you adopt (assimilate to) your new country’s culture? Do you think it is possible to completely give up a native culture and immerse yourself in a new country? Why or why not?

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1- In Chapter 8, social media is considered a communication tool instead of a catalyst for change, and I would both agree and disagree. I agree with this statement because for the most part, social media is used for interaction between people. The main way I use social media is to be connected with my friends and family. I would disagree with this statement though because social media has been found very addicting, and people are glued to their phones these days. The reason I can see this as a catalyst for change would be companies, organizations, or people of power could take advantage of that addiction and use it to push a narrative that they want to be pushed to a large audience in attempt to change people. That may sound extreme but I believe that this could happen to many overtime.
If I moved to another country temporarily, I would definitely hold on to my cultural values and beliefs, but this wouldn’t stop me from slightly picking up a piece of the new culture I moved in to. I feel like it is almost impossible to completely assimilate right away into a new culture, unless you strongly disliked your previous culture.

2- I personally think that social media can be used as a catalyst for change .With as much time as I have spent on Instagram and Snapchat alone since the pandemic began is insane because there was absolutely nothing else to do .So naturally it was the way I have distantly communicated with my friends for about a year .It is also how I was getting the news about current events and the strange political climate .I believe that social media can be a very powerful tool when used for good things such as activist groups and people speaking up for change in the country . I also believe it can do a lot of harm with things such as cyberbullying and the spreading of false information. To fully use it as a catalyst, you must do your own research before believing everything you see on the internet at face value. All in all ,I believe it can be used to make people aware of issues going on within our country and others and with its use to push us and inspire us to be better people from the newfound knowledge gained .
I would personally want to dive into what the new culture of my country has to offer in some degree .For example the use of a different language .Personally I have been wanting to learn a new language for a long time .Although I cannot completely ditch English because that’s my first language ,I would learn a different one so I could better communicate with my neighbors and thrive within my new society . I would also want to learn what hand gestures to use because I’ve heard in some cultures the hand signals we use are deemed “friendly” ,but there they are deemed “offensive”. I think it would be really fun to visit a new country anyways since I have never been outside the US!

3- I agree 100% that if everyone spoke the same language that there would be more unity and communication between nations. However if this were the case we would lose so much about our world. Heritage languages offer many things such as understanding of its people and their lifestyles, generations of stories, unique skill sets, and understanding of different parts of the world. Another major thing we lose when a language becomes extinct is a different point of view on history. When one greater opposing force takes over and establishes their language as the primary language the smaller language dies out, and with it goes another crucial piece of history. Typically our history comes from the winning side of a 2 or more sided story. The loss of a language means we might not get to ever learn about what the other forces experienced within that conflict. We are not only losing a heritage language, but rather another important piece of our world’s history.
In Chapter 8, social media is classified as a communication tool, not a catalyst for change. Social media has only been around for a short period of time; however it’s impact on our world is tremendous. I would agree that social media is mainly a communication tool, yet that fact it’s a communication tool also allows for it to act as a catalyst for change. One of the examples given was about how women in Egypt would post videos on YouTube sharing their sexual assault and harassment experiences on YouTube. These women would also use Harassmap to expose authorities and bring light to the submerged topics. The videos and images posted on these social media platforms caused other news media’s to report about these stories which to this day are continuing to push against the mistreatment of women in Egypt and other surrounding countries. Social media has many growing platforms. Many of these platforms allow not only communication, but for the ability to bring light and change to inhumane events happening around the world, as well as political change.

4- If I moved to another country I would try and hold on to my practices and core values, but I would also adopt my new country’s culture and embrace it. I would never want to forget where I came from which is one reason why I would hold on to my beliefs. I would also want my children to understand my culture as well. I don’t think it is complete possible to give up a native culture unless you move at a very small age. In Chapter 8 I agree that social media is a communication tool simply because that is a very effective way that things happen for people. Social media is how some people make a living just by communicating there. I do feel as if it has too much an effect on some of our younger people such as the trends they come up with. I don’t let social media control my world views on political situations. People will have their own opinions which is one reason I don’t voice my political views on social media, but there are quite a few social media platforms that does so.


In Chapter 8, social media is classified as a communication tool, not a catalyst for change. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? How much influence does social media have on your world view and your knowledge of political situations around the world?

I disagree with this assessment. I feel that it is a communication tool, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a catalyst for change. It’s within the fact that it’s a communication tool that it could be a catalyst for change by letting people let others know how they feel and to find people who are like-minded to them, especially when it comes to political opinions. It is a platform for discussion and there are new trends every day that explode in popularity. Social media has the influence on my world view and knowledge of political situations around the world of letting me know what’s going on as it is happening or soon after and letting me make an informed decision for myself.

If you moved to another country temporarily (and some of you have!), would you try to hold on to your cultural practices and values, or would you adopt (assimilate to) your new country’s culture? Do you think it is possible to completely give up a native culture and immerse yourself in a new country? Why or why not?

I think I would try to adopt the new country’s culture. I don’t think it is possible to completely give up your native culture. It would be extremely difficult because your culture is so engrained in your behaviors and the way you think. There would be at least a few of these behaviors and ways of thinking that you wouldn’t quite be able to completely get rid of especially if you’re only going somewhere temporarily. Your culture affects how you do every aspect of your life.

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