solved There is he major requirement for this essay:

There is he major requirement for this essay: Use 2 Quotations IN THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY: Introduce, Incorporate, and Explain them2. write 3 sentences by using “Appositives”)There are the link of two article I choose, choose one of them for the Essay: 1. (Let me know if you cant access them)Some Suggestions for Structuring your Rhetorical Analysis:The purpose of a rhetorical analysis is to analyze and explain how the different elements of a work function together to achieve the author’s point. Some of the elements that are normally considered in this type of analysis are:the author’s intended audience/purposethe organization of the work and how that organization might influence the readerthe use of languagethe type of appeals being used (ethos, logos, pathos)the overall logic/illogical use of argumentation (are they using fallacious premises)the type(s) of evidence being offered by the authorIn addition, a rhetorical analysis essay usually begins with the student introducing his own thesis. In other words, the student-writer is making an overarching point about the work being analyzed. For example, the student’s own thesis may be something like this:Despite the lack of supporting statistics, Leonard Calloway’s essay is effective because he appeals to our desire to be thought of as patriotic Americans.Every element that is subsequently addressed in the rhetorical analysis would be explained in such a way as to support the student’s thesis. Rhetorical analyses may also vary in length and detail depending on the assignment.While the body of the essay may be structured differently, the Introduction usually introduces the work to the reader and your thesis.Introductory paragraph:State the title of the essay; the author’s complete name; a description of the author (qualifications?); the historical background for the article, if there is one; a very brief summary of the article; and the stated or implied purpose of the author. LEAD THE READER TOWARD YOUR THESIS.Body of the essayHere are some options for the body, not a complete organizational structure; the body of the essay is where you meet your word count requirements, so if you need more words, add a paragraph.Possible Body Paragraph: Explain who the intended audience. Possible questions to answer: How much knowledge might the audience have concerning this topic? Is the audience likely to agree or disagree with the author? Will readers of the work be likely to agree or disagree with each other? Does the author try to appeal to certain values the audience may hold, and what are those values?Possible Body Paragraph: What is the organizational strategy of the author. Possible questions to answer: How is the essay sectioned for the reader? What are the major parts and the ordering of the parts? Does this sequencing of the ideas build the reader’s understanding of the concept? Could the ideas have been presented in a different way/ordeer?Possible Body Paragraph: What types of appeals does the author use (pathos, ethos, logos)? Does the author appeal to the audience by using emotional messages (pathos) or by conveying trustworthiness and authority (ethos)? This can include using reliable sources. Or does the author present facts and statistics (logos)? The author may use a combination of appeals. Provide specific examples from the work to support your remarks in this paragraph.Possible Body Paragraph: Does the author use Fallacious reasoning in the work? If so, identify the specific fallacies being incorporated, giving clear examples from the text (quotations) and explain how this undermines or helps the argument (why he should or shouldn’t have employed this fallacious reasoning. Possible Body Paragraph: What overall is the tone of the language? Find examples of language that either is ambiguous or strong in delivering meaning. Analyze use of metaphor or analogy or other types of more literary conventions. Explore overall tone of language.Possible Body Paragraph: Consider the other side. If you have been mostly going over strengths, consider a weakness, and if you’ve been mostly considering weaknesses, consider a strength to explore.Possible Body Paragraph: Evaluate the effectiveness of the work. This is your opinion, of course. Explain why you think the author has, or has not, adequately accomplished his or her purpose. You may refer to yourself in this paragraph.Concluding Paragraph: After summarizing your main idea/thesis, go beyond this idea, to explain why this kind of analysis of this work is important for the reader.CHECK OUT A SAMPLE HERE:

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