solved Think about the jobs you have had in your life.
Think about the jobs you have had in your life. What comes to mind as your best job and what comes to mind as your worst? In each case, what was it about the job that makes you recall it as wonderful or terrible? Could anything about your skills or personality have influenced what made the job such a good fit—or such a bad fit—for you?Your reading in the course text this week includes information on Person-Environment Fit (PE Fit). The course text defines PE Fit as the degree of compatibility between your personal characteristics (e.g., skills, abilities, and personality) and values (e.g., integrity) and those of a work environment (Kinicki, 2021, p. 286). The goal is to be well matched with an organization.For this Discussion, you will explore methods for how you can determine whether you have a good PE Fit with a company of interest to you.To prepare:Analyze your own strengths, weaknesses, and values as an employee.Based on your personal analysis, consider what elements of an organization’s culture are likely to be most important to you.Consider what areas you would focus on in researching a company in advance of a job interview to best determine your PE Fit.Consider diagnostic questions you could ask in a job interview that would best reveal or confirm your PE Fit.With these thoughts in mind: Post a 200- to 300-word statement that expresses your thinking on the following points. Support your answers with the Learning Resources, citing your sources in appropriate APA format and style.Describe your top three strengths, weaknesses, and/or values from your personal analysis.Describe your methods for determining your PE Fit for an organization.Explain the types of questions you would ask in an interview to distinguish the elements of PE Fit that matter to you in an organization.