solved Think back over the entire semester. What have you learned

Think back over the entire semester. What have you learned about solving problems? You are going to create a wordle. Wordle is a free ‘word art’ tool that crunches any chunk of text in the production of a visual representation of the content. The resulting graphic emphasizes the most common words by amplifying their size based on frequency. Wordle is being used in interesting ways to provide compelling summaries of political speeches, blog posts, news articles and more. You are going to make a wordle of what you have learned about problem solving this semester. One way to make a wordle is to enter the text of a paper or speech. The more often a word appears, the bigger it will be in the wordle. You can also “cheat” and just enter words that you want to emphasize by entering them multiple times. I suggest creating a text file that you can copy and paste into the website so that you can change it easily if you want; the website will not save your text.Steps to create a wordle:1.Go to www.wordle.net2.From here you can go to Create or Advanced (found on the menu across the top)3.Both work the same way, except in Advanced you can take a shortcut by entering a numerical value to indicate frequency. (e.g. Teaching~Problem~Solving:100 ). In Create, I would need to enter Teaching~Problem~Solving more times than any other word to make it appear larger. To put word phrases together, use the tilde (~) between the words; spaces indicate different words.4.Once it creates a wordle, you can see many different representations (hit Randomize). You can play around with Layout, Color and Font.5.When you find one you like, you can print it. You can also print it to a pdf if you would like to keep it or save it. You may like to print out/save a few you like and then choose the best one. When creating your wordle, use as many words/phrases as possible (at least 25).It won’t look very interesting if you only have a few words/phrases. Think about what you have learned about and experienced with problem solving –the strategies and techniques you have learned, feelings/attitudes aboutproblem solving, etc. Be creative! Emphasize (by using frequency) the things that you feel are most important. To earn full credit, you must have at least 25 words/phrases related to problem solving of varying sizes. All words and phrases should not be the same size; the larger words/phrases represent those things that feel are the most important. Please print out your wordle or send me the pdf or a screenshot.** You will need Java to use this website. If this is not possible you may do an alternate assignment. You will still list the 25 or more words/phrases related to problem solving. Next to each word give it a relative weight (just like you would with the wordle): the things that are most important will get a heavier weight than those that are less important. Instead of creating the wordle using the website, write a paragraph describing some of the things you learned in the class and how you will be able to transfer them to other things you do.

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