solved This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll

This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll view videos about process writing that show teachers implementing it in their classrooms. Then you’ll answer some questions that relate the videos to English language learners. Lastly, you’ll give some thoughts about process writing with your current or future students.To complete this assignment, work through the 2 parts below:Part 1: Watch and respond to the following 4 (or 5 🙂 videos:1. Video: (02:53)The Writing Process (Links to an external site.)Note – There is a typo in this video. Sigh. But the information is sound.How might you implement the writing process with a group of intermediate language learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________2. Video: optional (03:02):What is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: What Is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Note – This ends abruptly, but does go over the parts of writing workshop. So if you are unfamiliar with writing workshop check this video out before the next one.Video (09:44):Writers Workshop (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writers’ Workshop (Links to an external site.)Note – This shows a minilesson, then students writing. The sharing portion is not included.What changes would you make in the lesson to accommodate beginning or intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________3. Video: (7:51)Differentiating Instruction Through Writer’s Workshop (Links to an external site.)How does the writing workshop process seem to work for the students in the class? How would you use the process with intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________4. Video: (01:26)Writers’ Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writer’s Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Note – This is a brief example of peer editing.Which aspects of the procedure would work well with English learners? What modifications would you make to better serve English learners? (min. 3 sentences)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part 2: Answer the questions below (min. 3 sentences each):5. Have you used process writing – either personally or with students? Which parts worked well? Why? Which didn’t? Why? (If process writing and writer’s workshop are totally new to you, then discuss your writing experiences in school.)6. How do you think process writing or writing workshop would work with your students? Explain. (If you are teaching in middle school or high school (or that’s where you want to teach) in a content area other than English Language Arts, don’t tell me why it won’t work. Rather, tell me how you could make it work if you had to do it. 😉

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