solved This discussion asks you to describe/define yourself in terms of

This discussion asks you to describe/define yourself in terms of the various cultures and subcultures to which you belong, and to consider how well your identity may fit within one (or more) of the global civilizations our authors discuss. Do you consider yourself to be more Western (rooted in European-based language and ideology) or more Eastern (rooted in Chinese-based language and ideology) in your civilizational identity—or perhaps both or neither? However you define yourself, identify at least one specific part of your life that significantly links you to another civilization. For example, if you define yourself as Western, is there nonetheless something significant in defining who you are that is instead of Eastern or some other non-Western origin? If not from your own life, provide an example of something specific (a news story, website, photograph, artifact of popular culture, etc.) that appears to be out of place at the global, civilizational scale. avoid writing a personal ad that highlights your idiosyncracies and personality traits, and instead offer a profile of the various groups (bigger and smaller) to which you belong. Who are your people(s)? What mix of popular and folk cultures together define who you are? Upon reflection, what does this teach you about the ideas of civilization and culture and how they shape/define your identity—our identities—in the present modern/global age?THIS IS AN EXAMPLE:I would say that I am rooted in global Western origin since I was born in Los Angeles and have lived here my whole life consuming Western things like food, entertainment, and other aspects of life. My parents aren’t from here so I do have another culture that I consumed a lot growing up and they had their own way of life which was different from how people in the U.S. do it. My parents are from Mexico so we celebrate things differently sometimes and I was raised differently than how some other people did. I don’t partake much in Mexican holidays and neither do my parents since it’s been almost 30 years since they’ve been here they got used to the things mostly celebrated in the states.I do find the culture of Mexico very interesting and would like to learn about it more I also speak two languages which I find very useful at times and it fascinates me how someone can learn two languages or multiple because I felt it was low effort learning both languages since I grew up with both.A subculture I partake in are playing games since I enjoy it on my free time and it is a fun way to pass time when bored I also play with my friends most of the time which is another way I socialize when I can’t go out and see my friends that day. I also practice the keyboard, and I play the trumpet as well I enjoy playing both instruments.SOME THINGS ABOUT ME, PLEASE USE WHAT I WRITE BELOW TP DO THE ASSIGNMENT WHAT I PUT ABOVE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD LOOK.I AM ROOTED IN GLOBAL WESTERN ORGIN I LIVED IN Los Angeles MY WHOLE LIFE. MY PARENTS ARE FROM IRAN AND WE DO CELEBRATE MANY PERSIAN HOLIDAYS. A SUBCULTURE I DO IS KICKBOXING AND I LOVE TO HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS.

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