There are four required Criminalistics I writing assignments. They can be categorized as a: 1) General
Criminalistics Topics, 2) Scientific Forensic Topics, 3) Serial or Mass Killer Examination of Physical
Evidence, and 4) Your Personal Crime Scene. We will discuss these assignments during the first class. The
writing assignments are graded in eight areas for a maximum of 100 points. Each writing assignment is
required to be three pages of text without pictures, charts, lists, or quotes. If the assignment is not a
complete three pages, your grade for the assignment is “0”. This means that if your work is one line short,
you have wasted our time; however, there is no maximum length. GOALS
There are four main goals of the papers, each of which must be demonstrated:
1. research a criminalistics topic using a combination of resources
2. effectively summarize the most essential details of the subject
3. describe the different area(s) of criminalistics to which your specific case relates
4. practice skills required of forensic professionals, including communicating ideas clearly, thoroughly
and thoughtfully, and submitting work that reflects professionalism.
Each paper must include a combination of three scholarly and other research sources to support the
information discussed. Examples of information from scholarly sources include, but are not limited to,
definitions, theories and research in the subject. Forensic and legal journals, databases as well as respected
magazines, newspapers, videos and other internet sources may be used. You may not use your textbook as
one of your sources. Please note that Wikipedia may be used to help you understand your subject, but is not
considered a scholarly source. Please note that you may not use any direct quotes in your paper – please make every
effort to paraphrase the information you find and properly cite the associated sources. Consistent with
APA style formatting, each source that you use must be cited within your paper and listed on your reference
page. Your reference page must include at least three sources of which two must be scholarly sources.
Please note that APA-style format includes a title page, headers, an introduction and conclusion, in-text
citations and a reference page. No abstract is required for this assignment. Do not use sub-titles in this
assignment. ORGANIZATION
The following is a guideline for how the body of your paper should be organized. Please use the following headers to organize
your paper. Transition statements must be used to connect each section within the body of your paper to ensure that it flows
I. Introduction
The first section should introduce your paper by providing a snapshot of your subject and give a preview of
the main topics to be discussed in your paper. Do not begin your technical writing with a question.
II. Subject Summary
This should be followed by a thorough summary of the specific subject, which you have been assigned.
You may use details from legal documents, print or online sources to provide supporting details. This
should be a significant portion of your paper. For Assignments 1 and 2, you can include the advantages and
disadvantages of the technique or instrument. You can also include one or two sentences that provide a case
example of use.
III. Conclusions
This final section should provide a summary of your main points in your paper as well as any final thoughts
or conclusions that you have generated as a result of your research. This should neatly connect all of the
sections of your paper.
Your paper will thoroughly explore your selected criminalistics topic by introducing and describing it as if
you are educating the reader. This will be achieved by providing clear details and definitions, summarizing
the events and related research in an organized manner and providing logical arguments for your ideas and
Your paper must include a minimum of three credible references, at least two of which must be from
scholarly sources (e.g., peer-reviewed forensic and/or scientific journals, sites, books, etc.). These references
should be used to summarize a combination of definitions, theories and research, each of which should be
well explained in your own words. References should be clearly and properly cited throughout the body of
your paper, each of which must be listed on your reference page.

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