solved This was the questionCompany is walt Disney Company pg 481

This was the questionCompany is walt Disney Company pg 481 ofDavid, F. R., & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases (16th ed.). Pearson. is a 3-part assignment with 3 separate assignments that are a continuation project of one another. Please follow instructions carefully and use the book listed above and attached study guides as resources.Assignment #1: 2 page case studyImplementation Plan: Part 1During
Unit IV, VI, and VIII, you will be working on an implementation plan
for a business. The components within these three units combined will
create this plan.Please take a look at the 30 case studies
located in your textbook on pages 370–625. There are multiple
corporations that provide a large array of services and products. Please
select one of these 30 organizations that interests you. You will use
this company for the Unit VI and Unit VIII assignments, as well.For
Part 1, describe the company that you selected, the products/services
they offer, and the history of the company. Next, analyze the company’s
strategy, mission, and organizational structure. In your analysis,
include the information below.What does the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company?What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?What are the company’s short-term and long-term goals?What are ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?You
will need to reference your textbook and at least one outside source
for this assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU Online
Library, but you may also use external sources, as long as the source is
reliable.Your project must be a minimum of two full pages in
length, not counting the title and reference pages. Include an
introduction paragraph.Assignment #2: 3 page projectImplementation Plan: Part 2In
Unit IV, you started to create an implementation plan. You selected a
company and analyzed their strategy and mission. In Unit VI, we will
continue your work with this company and develop a SWOT analysis.Remember
that a SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats of an organization. This is an important analysis for any
organization as it can be used for strategic planning. Your SWOT
analysis must be a minimum of two pages in length. Once you have
completed your SWOT analysis, write a minimum of one page, explaining
how this information could be used by the company.Please use the
template below to complete the SWOT analysis and explanation. Save the
template using your last name and student ID. For example, John Smith
whose student ID is 12345 would save his assignment as Smith12345. The
information you need to complete this analysis can be found in the case
studies located in your textbook on pages 370-625. You will need to
reference your textbook and at least one outside source for this
assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU Online Library, but
you may also use external sources, as long as the source is reliable.Click here to access the Unit VI Project Template. (will attach in comments)Assignment #3: 3 page projectImplementation Plan: Part 3For
the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with
the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project,
you will complete the final components of your implementation plan.For Part 3, you will focus on the following points:internal and external issues,competition,future outlook for the organization, andimplementation of tools for measuring business success.Much
of the information you will need to complete this segment can be found
in the case study in the textbook. However, you will also need to
conduct some outside research. For the future of the organization, you
may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company
going. You will need to reference your textbook and at least one outside
source for this assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU
Online Library, but you may also use external sources, as long as the
source is reliable.Your project must be a minimum of three full
pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Make
certain to include an introductory paragraph.These were the professors responsesAssignment 1 has several grammar and technical errors. I corrected
most of them and attached an edited version. With that said, there were
also missing components to the assignment which I have listed below.What does the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company? mission is listed twice but they are different?What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? NOT MENTIONEDWhat are ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? Limited details…please expandInclude a conclusion paragraphAssignment 2#SWOT ANALYSIS – needs to be 2 pages long…HOW INFO WILL BE USED – needs to reference the textbook at least oncecreate a separate document to include the references for just this assignmentAssignment #3review grammar and technical errorsEach of the sections are a little weak and need to be expandedcurrently is less than 2 pages and needs to be a minimum of 3 full pagesneeds an intro and conclusionAlso each of the 3 assignments needs to be in separate documents APA format with title and reference pgattached is the documents for the first 3 assignments and the mini-edited assignment 1

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