solved Times New Roman – 12-sized font – Double spaceCite any
Times New Roman – 12-sized font – Double spaceCite any sources you use.You have two options:Answer all 3 questions in 1-2 succinct paragraphs (this means 1-2 paragraphs for each question). 10 points for each question.Answer only one question in a short essay (3-4 paragraphs). 30 points for essay.This means you have the option of answering all 3 questions in short, succinct ideas, or answer one question and go into more detail.Remember: a paragraph is 4-5 sentences, and it is defined by an indentation of the first line.What is the incentive behind government officials in Europe labeling the refugee crisis a human trafficking crisis? And how would you link rising refugee crises around the world and rising nationalist movements in Europe?How has the COVID19 pandemic unveiled systemic disparities in the healthcare system in the US and on a global scale?How does the US use the global free market economy to enforce its cultural hegemony globally?
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