solved Topic Choices – pick one (1) topic by number to

Topic Choices – pick one (1) topic by number to explain. Try to avoid picking a topic already discussed. It may help to state your selection early and then come back to add in your contribution. Explain the followingfood insecurityvery low food insecurityfood desertsmalnutrition overnutritionundernutritionWhat role do each of the following agencies have in regulating food labeling and safety?USDAFDAEPAIdentify the 6 classes of nutrients. Identify which ones aremacronutrientsmicronutrientsprovide calories (- also known as kilocalories – and how many calories per gram)What is the NHANES and what is used for?What are the A B C Ds of nutrition? Explain and provide examples of each. – Topic takenWhat is the difference between portion size and serving size? Topic TakenExplain what the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are, how often they are updated, and why they exist. Dietary Guidelines for Americans – share with us what Americans typically need more of and what we need less of. Why does that matter? MyPlate – what is it? How can we use it? Who is it for?What is the difference between dietary reference intakes (DRI) and recommended dietary allowances (RDA)?What is the difference between an estimated average requirement (EAR) and the RDAExplain the difference between nutrient density and energy density. Provide examples of each.What is the difference between a RDA and an adequate intake (AI)? What is the UL (Links to an external site.)? What are the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)? Provide the ranges for nutrients that have an AMDR.What is the estimated energy requirement (EER) and what information is needed to determine that? What is meant by biodiversity?What is bioaccumulation?What are the four core principles of food safety? Which populations are at greatest risk for foodborne illness, even at low doses of exposure? Why?What is Listeria monocytogenes? Which high-risk group must watch out for this and why?What are the consequences of it and how can it be prevented? Is it possible to be overweight and malnourished at the same time? Explain.Identify the nutritionally connected leading causes of death in the United States. What are red flags of misleading nutrition information? How can you know if nutrition information is reliable? Explain the followingorganic vs. conventionally grown foodsdifferent types of organic labels and terms on products and what they mean on foodswhat GMO meanswhat it means for a nutrient to be organic and which nutrients are organicfoodborne illness versus foodborne intoxicationDanger zone AND what is the danger zonehow long can food be left out?how long can leftovers be storedWhat is the difference between terms use by versus best bysell by versus best by or use byUSDA organic seal and “made with organic ingredients” nutrient composition of organic versus conventionally grown foods and ingredients in productWhat does it mean for a food system to be sustainable?What does HACCP stand for and why is it used?Ways of preserving food and how they work — TOPIC TAKENpasteurizationirradiationascetic processing (sterilization) canningsaltUse resources to help you explain your topicUse your textbook (chapters 1 and 12, 18, 17 in the Human Nutrition textbook) (Links to an external site.)and and at least one other resource. I posted slides that are helpful and provided other resources below.What are you doing?Select one of the following sets of terms and explain what they mean in your own words.Imagine that you are explaining this to my grandmother who knows nothing about nutrition. USDA MyPlate (Links to an external site.) USDA – DRIs (Links to an external site.) USDA – RDAs (Links to an external site.) Mayo Clinic – News – 2021 DGA (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – Make Every Bite Count! (Links to an external site.) (watch the short video there)Food Label Overview – (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – UC Davis (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – Kansas State University (Links to an external site.) Part 2: Digestion and Absorption (Due by MONDAY, 9/13 — delayed a day due to exam)Watch one of the following videos about digestion and absorption. They are both good videos. Watch the one that appeals to you most. In part 2, include all of the following: Clearly indicate which video you watchedDiscuss two (2) things you learned about digestion and absorption. Be detailed and specific. Video 1 (animated approach)The first video is a bit newer and less formal approach.. It is informative and there is a lot of useful content in the video. It is about 28 minutes long. Video 2 (academic approach)This video was made a long time ago (1998, perhaps) and it is very good. It is a bit “dry” compared to the video above. (35 min)

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