solved Topic:Euthyphro thought he was doing something pious by bringing the

Topic:Euthyphro thought he was doing something pious by bringing the charge of murder against his father for killing a servant. Socrates wanted to make sure (a) that Euthyphro knew precisely what piety or impiety is, and (b) that his action of prosecuting his father for murder is in fact a pious act.Explain CLEARLY how Socrates did (a) and (b) based on the different definitions of piety by Euthyphro and the problems Socrates identified with these definitions.Read carefully to understand and then explain CLEARLY the circumstances and facts surrounding the death of the servant.Then explain, based on the facts in the textbook and the elements of ‘premeditated murder’, whether what Euthyphro’s father did was truly ‘premeditated murder’ or ‘negligent homicide’. Do the relevant research to understand the difference between and the elements of the crimes of ‘premeditated murder’ and ‘negligent homicide’.Based on the facts in the textbook, do you think Euthyphro’s father would be found guilty today for premeditated murder? Give reasons for your answer based on the circumstances and facts surrounding the death of the servant and the meaning and elements of the crime of ‘premeditated murder’.Instructions:NOTE: Do not attach files as your post in your Response or Reply. Write directly to Blackboard or cut from a word document and paste on Blackboard. If you submit your Response, you can go back and EDIT before the DUE date. If you EDIT after the Due, it will be considered a LATE submission, and you will get zero (0).Reply: Click the “Reply” button on one other student’s “Response” and in the Message section write a reply identifying (a) ONE important point or issue made, (b) an analysis or explanation of this point or issue, (c) whether you agree or disagree with their stance or view, and (d) why you agree or disagree with their stance or view by providing reasons. Don’t write things such as “Nice post,” “Great post,” “Well written,” “I like the post,” “Very thoughtful,” etc. We are not asking for your commentary on or an evaluation of the Response. Your Reply should follow the grading criteria. Your reply must be a minimum of 200 wordsstudents post:Socrates tried his best to make sure that Euthyphro knew exactly that what he did to his own father was either pious or impious. Socrates first asks Euthyphro to define what piety is, this is when he says that prosecuting his father for murder is piety. To Socrates that is not a valid definition because it is just one example of doing piety, Socrates counters that definition by stating that he wants basically the most detailed definition of piety from Euthyphro that can explain all areas of piety. Euthyphro then moves onto his second definition to say that piety is something that is loved by the Gods, and again Socrates makes it known that that definition is unfit and that not all God’s love the same things as each other. Gods may act just like us humans and may not have the same views on what is pious and impious so that makes Euthyphro’s second definition invalid. Euthyphro then continues on to say that what is loved by all Gods is pious and what all Gods hate is impious, which is something that Socrates does not agree with. Socrates brings up this example: “Is the pious being loved by the Gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the Gods?” (Euthyphro p.12). Socrates tries to get Euthyphro that there is a difference in between the two by giving easier examples like loving something versus being loved by something. Socrates keeps asking Euthyphro to provide the clear definition of piety and he keeps failing, Socrates is not looking to bring this man down, but he is looking to show him what pious and impious is, and he does so by rejecting all of Euthyphro’s definitions with valid questions that make him think.The circumstances surrounding the death of the servant are as follows: First a drunk servant killed a slave by cutting the man’s throat. Then Euthyphro’s father found out about this act and tied the murderer up and threw him in a ditch. While the man was tied up in a ditch Euthyphro’s father set off to speak with officials that could handle this matter, but while gone the man in the ditch died to exposure. That is the order in which this “crime” happened; this situation deems to be negligent homicide. Premeditated murder is the act of planning out the killing of another human being, while negligent homicide is the killing of a human being from negligence on the killer’s part. This means that Euthyphro’s father did not mean to kill the man but instead was trying to keep him from doing another act while an official could find out what to do. He did not mean to kill the man, but the man died from negligence on the father’s part.In today’s world Euthyphro’s fathers would not be found guilty on a premeditated murder charge. The facts of the case would not be able to find a reason that the father would want to or planned to kill the man. He left the man tied up so that he could not do anymore damage, although the man died, he died due to exposure from the elements. These facts would not represent a man who planned to kill the man.please making sure reading the grading sheet carefully

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