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Unit 5: Discussion
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Choose a popular video marketing campaign. Using the ‘best practices for video marketing’ discussion in your text as a guide, explain why you think the campaign was successful. Remember share a link for your example.
It may be helpful to look at sources other than your text to respond to this prompt. 

Hello Class,
While researching marketing campaigns for this assignment, I had a couple sponsored clips come across my screen for a popular eyelash extension supplies and products company that I personally use myself. Paris Lash Academy (PLA) has uploaded a 34 second video on the their website homepage that stood out to me the most for several reasons. The video is compatible with my mobile device, the video is befitting for the platform it appears on, it is searchable and although it showcases the training courses available on the site, it is not an all out promotional video. One additional practice this video exhibited was, it worked with no sound (Ennis-O’Connor, 2021). The video has only upbeat music playing so whether it is muted or not, viewers can still understand the purpose and message behind the clip. When searching the companies Instagram, I found an informal video from the owner herself where she informed the audience about upcoming news and information about the company. This gave me, and the rest of the audience I’m sure, a glimpse into howPLA operates and made me feel confident about working with or purchasing from them in the future. The titles of both videos were clear, the production techniques were appropriate and they could be shared. I believe PLA is following the best practices for video marketing and it is literally helping build their brand at this very moment. I say that because while scrolling through their Instagram for this topic I watched their follower count rise from 48.5k to 48.6k.
PLA Training (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Barker, M. S., Barker, D., Bormann, N. F., Roberts, M. L., & Zahay, D. L. (2017). Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach. Cengage Learning.
Ennis-O’Connor, M. (2021, April 15). Best Video Marketing Practices and Resources. Medium.
Eyelash Extension Supplies & Products. Paris Lash Academy. (n.d.).
Ja’Nice Locket-Dortch

Choose a popular video marketing campaign. Using the ‘best practices for video marketing’ discussion in your text as a guide, explain why you think the campaign was successful. Remember share a link for your example.
It may be helpful to look at sources other than your text to respond to this prompt.


My favorite video marketing campaign is the Nike Women: Better For It campaign. This campaign targeted everyday women and gave a depiction on how they felt working out by getting inside their heads. This used humor to motivate women by making them feel normal for their thought process while they workout.

(Wischhover, 2015).

“Nike claims that this is the largest initiative they have taken to support and motivate women in their athletic journey, no matter what stage they may be in. Nike stated the campaign is about “powering [women] to be better through services (Links to an external site.), product innovation and athlete inspiration, motivating each other to push to the next level.”(Smith, 2016).
Our book gives the benefits of video marketing being
Engaging viewers
Large audiences
Building Brand awareness
Showcasing the Product
Generating Business Leads

Nike did a great job with all these things during this campaign. By channeling the realism of people working out and how they feel at the gym people felt as though they could relate and in turn looked at the websites and talked about it to their friends.
“Data on business to business (B2B) video marketing is harder to come by, but as early as 2010 Forbes found senior executives watching more video, more often, sharing with colleagues and taking action based on video content.19 In 2014 Digital Sherpa stated that 75% of executives watch business videos at least once a week”(Barker & Zahay, 2017).
Barker, D., & Zahay, D. L. (2017). Social media marketing: a strategic approach. Cengage Learning.
Smith. (2016, April 13). Nike Women: “Better For It” Campaign. Incitrio. (Links to an external site.).

Wischhover, C. (2015, April 15). Why I’m a Fan of Nike’s New Ad Campaign. Fashionista.

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