solved Unit I ProposalWeight: 10% of course gradeGrading RubricDue: Monday, 07/12/2021

Unit I ProposalWeight: 10% of course gradeGrading RubricDue: Monday, 07/12/2021 11:59 PM (CST)Instructions
Project ProposalThroughout this course, you will work in each unit to build a project plan that will ultimately become your final deliverable for Unit VIII. Starting in Unit II, you will begin creating components that will cumulatively make up your final project plan. Your professor will grade each component and offer feedback. The feedback can then be used to make any improvements before submitting all components of the final project plan in Unit VIII.The outline below represents how your final project plan should be organized.Project Overview (Units II and III)1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives, and Business Case1.1.1 Scope1.1.2 Statement of Work (SOW)1.1.3 Business Case1.2 Project Deliverables1.3 Project Organization1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)1.4.1 Task Description Documentation1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)1.6 Work Authorization1.7 Work CharterRisk Assessment (Unit IV)2.1 Risk Identification2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative)2.4 Mitigation StrategiesQuality Management Report (Unit IV)Project Schedule (Unit V)4.1 Activity Duration Estimates4.2 Gantt Chart4.3 Activity NetworkProject Budget (Unit VI)5.1 Project Resources5.2 Other Costs5.3 Cost Estimates5.4 Time-Phased BudgetCommunications Management (Unit VII)Tracking and Status Updates (Unit VII)7.1 Tracking Method7.2 Notification Record7.3 Control SystemsProject Closeout (Unit VIII)8.1 Close Cost Accounts8.2 Lessons LearnedIn the assignment for Unit I, you will start the project process by providing the professor with your idea for a project. The professor will provide feedback so that you can adjust your project, as needed, for Unit II.Take the considerations below into account.The project’s timeframe should be about two months in duration. In other words, building a hotel would not be considered an appropriate project for this course because it would likely take at least 6 months to build.The project team should include at least six people from different areas of your chosen organization.The scope of the project should be neither too simple nor too complicated. An information technology (IT) project that involves replacing the desktops in the customer service department would be too simple because it would likely only involve a couple of employees and one or two tasks. An IT project involving an organization replacing all of their legacy systems across its U.S. operations would likely be too complicated. Find some middle ground, and remember that you will need to break down the tasks and assign responsibilities to team members.Your project may be initiated from any functional unit (e.g., IT, operations, accounting, customer service, product development, marketing, sales), but be prepared to create your team using employees from multiple functional units.For this unit’s assignment, include the components listed below in a minimum of a one-page document using proper APA formatting.Include the title of your project.Provide a description (abbreviated scope) of the project.Specify the project timeframe.Identify those involved in the project.Once the professor provides you with feedback on your project idea, you can make the needed adjustments for Unit II and begin to develop your project plan.
ResourcesThe following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.Citation GuideSubmit Writing Center RequestSubmit Unit I Proposal »

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