solved Unit Outcomes:1. Examine legislative processes relevant to the provision of

Unit Outcomes:1. Examine legislative processes relevant to the provision of healthcare.2. Evaluate the impact of political factors influencing healthcare delivery & practice.4. Participate as a nursing professional in a policy-making process to understand the principle of personal influence.Assignment Description: For this assignment, you will virtually attend a policy meeting related to nursing and/or healthcare and then write a paper about the experience. The purpose of this assignment is for you to consider how public policy may influence healthcare and nursing and to discuss how nurses can apply their clinical knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of healthcare.Assignment Directions: For the Policy Meeting Assignment, you will need to:1) Listen to/watch a policy meeting (see options document below) online, for at least 60 minutes. For more specific directions, see the Policy Meeting Options DocumentACTIONSundefinedNote-Whatever you choose to view/listen to, it must be health-related (many legislative meetings are focused on health-related issues) and held within the last 3 months.2) Write a paper as described below.Paper (worth a total of 125 points, see below): This paper should be APA formatted, & succinct; the suggested length should be 3 pages (plus a title page and a reference page).Technical Paper Mechanics & APA Format (25 points)Correct APA formatting, spelling, and grammar usage.Written in 3rd person- except for synopsis, which can be written in 1st person.Uses APA headings for each required sectionCorrect APA citations and the use of at least 2 references. Suggestions: use the course textbook, other peer-reviewed resources, the organizational internet site, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, written bills, etc. (remember that when you talk about a meeting, you should cite the meeting or minutes throughout).Suggested paper headings and required information:Meeting Description (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Summarize the meeting. Include the following information:Name of the meeting, date, time (include how long you listened), the place that the meeting was held, roughly how many people attended, and any other relevant information.How was the meeting organized? Was someone in charge? Was there an agenda, was it followed?How did people communicate their opinions?What kind of behaviors were persuasive, and what kind were not persuasive?How could you apply what persuades/does not persuade others to your nursing practice?Substantiate your points with course readings, internet resources, meeting conversations, meeting minutes, written bills etc. (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Activity Relevance (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Describe the topics that were discussed (were new policies discussed or proposed, or existing ones used in the meeting to make decisions?)Discuss how the applicable policies might affect nurses, the healthcare system, and healthcare consumers.Were the proceedings valuable? Why/why not?Would the meeting’s outcomes have been different if a nurse had been involved?How might policy meetings be used to bring about new healthcare policy?Substantiate your points with course references, other resources, meeting conversations, or personal communications (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Analysis of Proceedings – (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Describe the general purpose of policy meetings.Was the purpose achieved (why/why not)?Can you think of anything that would have made the outcomes more successful?Analyze the benefits or disadvantages of the policy and decision-making process that you observed.Substantiate your points with course references, other resources, meeting conversations, or personal communications (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Personal influence or change from the activity (10 points) (it is acceptable to write this section in 1st person):How could you (as a nurse) use your professional expertise and influence to make changes that could improve patient care in the processes you observed and in general?What have you learned about policy and decision-making? Consider processes, influence, professionalism, and opportunity.Requirements: 1-2 pages

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