solved Verbal communication skills What are 2 barriers you experience when

Verbal communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication?
How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)
Written communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective written communication?
How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

Discuss how you can use these approaches in your:

Cover and thank you letters

INSTRUCTIONS PART 2 (Peer response):
Consider your peer’s described barrier to effective verbal and written communication and their proposed approaches to overcome it.

Choose one of the barriers in verbal communication described in their post.

Share a time when you experienced a similar barrier and how it was or was not surmounted.
Suggest another approach to overcoming it.

Choose one of the barriers in written communication described in their post.

Share a time when you experienced a similar barrier and how it was or was not surmounted.
Suggest another approach to overcoming it.

Suggest another way your peer can use one of their approaches to improve their verbal or written communications with potential employers.

Peer’s Discussion Post:

Verbal communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication?

I think that a barrier that I experience when trying to engage in effective verbal communication is that I often times struggle to come up with answers to the interviewers questions, it is almost like my brain goes blank and I say umm and uh a lot. I also have been old before that I talk loudly and that is something that can rub people the wrong way. 

How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

I can research interview questions prior to going to the interview and formulate answers before the interview. If I feel confident going into the interview I will likely not say umm and uh as much when responding to questions.
I also can work on lowering my voice so that I am not talking so loud. Also I need to work more on maintaining eye contact with the person that I am speaking with in an interview. I feel as if that shows confidence. 

Written communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective written communication?

I feel like I have a pretty strong resume but it could be better
I also am terrible at writing cover letters and thank you cards. 

How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

I will utilize the tactics that we have learned in this class to make my resume even better then it is now. 
I also have learned skills in this class to improve my cover letter writing skills.
I did not know that you were supposed to send thank you cards after an interview so I will do that from now on after interviews. 

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