solved Watch the videos and read the articles below on Smarthistory/Khan

Watch the videos and read the articles below on Smarthistory/Khan Academy.  Also, read about each work of art in your textbook including the historical context.  This assignment is worth a total of 40 points and is divided into two equal parts.   Assume the reader doesn’t know anything about the topic and construct sentences that pack a great deal of good information.  Although there are 3 questions for each artwork, your responses should not be numbered, instead they should be written in complete sentences and clearly organized into paragraphs.  The questions are related to each other and therefore allow you to write a response that flows.  Part of the challenge is writing an in-depth response in a concise manner. I suggest you write an initial draft using as many words as you need and then carefully editing as you distill the most essential ideas. 
1. Doryphoros (150 – 200 words)
2. Augustus of Primaporta (150 – 200 words)
3. Parthenon (150 – 200 words)
4. Pantheon (150 – 200 words)
PART I: GREEK AND ROMAN SCULPTURE  (TOTAL: 300-400 words) 20 points
Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer) video and article (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)

What is the canon of Polykleitos?
What is contrapposto? How does it impact the representation of the human body in sculpture?
Why nudity in Greek sculpture such as the Doryphoros? How does it reflect the values of the ancient Greeks (Athenians) during the Classical period?

Augustus of Primaporta (video) (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
Augustus of Primaporta (article) (Links to an external site.)
1. How does the Augustus of Primaporta convey a powerful image of Augustus, the first Emperor and sole ruler of the Roman Empire? Name at least 3-5 specific things.
2. What is its purpose? Why did Augustus commission it?
3. How is it similar to the Doryphoros (Spearbearer) by Polykleitos?  How is it different?
The Parthenon, Athens video and article (150  – 200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
Phidias, Parthenon sculptures (pediments, metopes, and frieze) (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)The Parthenon embodies the values, ideas and beliefs of the Athenian people during the Classical period (5th c. BCE).  Answer the questions below with this statement in mind.
1. Discuss how mathematics is an integral part of the Parthenon.  What optical refinements did they use to create the illusion of perfection?
2. What is the subject of the East and West pediments? 
3.  What is the Panathenaic Procession?  What can you conclude about the Greek’s opinion of themselves based on their inclusion on the frieze? 
The Pantheon, Rome (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
An incredible achievement of Roman engineering, the Pantheon is considered to be one of the most revolutionary buildings influencing architecture from the Renaissance to the present.
1. Discuss the architectural features that make the Pantheon revolutionary (coffering, dome, use of concrete, oculus, etc).
2. Explain the symbolic and spiritual aspects created through the use of these architectural features including the significance of geometry.
3. What are the similarities and differences between the Parthenon and Pantheon?

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