solved What is operations research? What are the most common operations

What is operations research? What are the most common operations research methods used in health care today? Based on your answer, choose one and describe a specific modern example

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Discussion Thread: Operations Research

What is operations research?

Operations research is an applied science that is concerned with quantitative decision problems that normally involves the allocation and control of limited resources. “Decisions are defined as a choice between two or more alternatives, and management decision-making is the process in an organization by which decisions are made (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 110). These problems occur in the operations of healthcare organizations. “The use of quantitative tools and techniques, commonly known as operations research, help to incorporate a data-driven approach to making decisions” (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 109). The use of data is a common thread among these disciplines which relates to operations research it is used to support the development and validation of decision making models. Data is information represented by a set of values in the form of qualitative and quantitative variables, where data is collected, analyzed, and processed. According to Capan et al. (2017). “OR involves systematic research that investigates how to plan, implement, and evaluate activities with a system” (p. 851). The information from the processed data can be created by adding meaning and structure for the decision maker. Through this is where the data become useful information for supporting decision making. “Problems regarding decision support are based on the use of specific methods and in turn, are dependent upon specific input data” (Hofmann & Rutschmann, 2018, p. 739). Regardless of the industry, data analytics techniques provide organization with greater accuracy, clarity, and insight and lead to more practical knowledge that is shared across the supply chain.

What are common operations research methods used in health care today?

Since management decision-making occurs at higher levels of an organization, and typically involves major commitments of resources or changes in strategic directions, this research seeks to understand how decision processes work in healthcare organizations (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 110). This type of work requires the formation of a mathematical model of a system and the analysis and prediction of the consequences of alternate modes of operating the system. The development and use of mathematical and statistical models help solve decisions problems. According to Langabeer & Helton (2021), “Or techniques allow managers to seek alternatives; evaluate these choices using probabilities, risks, and other variables as key criteria; and then model potential outcomes” (p. 110). Common operations research used in healthcare today involve methods such as mathematical techniques, probabilistic and statistical methods, optimization, linear programming, and stimulation.

Based on your answer choose one and describe a specific modern example.

The term optimize means to choose the best alternative. “OR concepts can help systematically improve decisions making through efficient modeling techniques while accounting for relevant constraints” (Capan et al., 2017, p. 849). Optimization is a methodological approach often considered to be a core part of what defines the field of OR. Optimization models comprise 3 major components: objective functions, decision variables, and a set of constraints. An objective function can be the result of an attempt to express a business goal in mathematical terms for use in decision analysis, like optimization or operations research. Objective function of optimization problem is the real-valued function whose value is to be either minimized or maximized over the set of feasible alternatives (Capan et al., 2017, p. 851). The function allows comparison of different choices for determining which might be better. “Deterministic optimization models are suitable for problems where decisions alternatives must be selected to optimize system-wide objectives, which are often subject to constraints”(Capan et al., 2017, p. 851). The constraint refer to capacity, availability, resources, technology, etc. Linear programming is a mathematical optimization method where the objective function and constraint are linear functions in decision variable can take any numerical value (e.g., dose of a treatment) (Capan et al, 2017, p. 851). For linear techniques to work, the objective function must be linear. successful decision making can lead to workable process capable of providing essential health services. Decision making is vital to a healthcare organization because it is a process of making choices among alternatives with the intention that some choices may produce better results. Healthcare organization have to be able to manage its resource effectively when trying to reach long term goals. Luke 14:28 (ESV) says, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (English Standard Version).

Capan, M., Khojandi, A., Denton, B. T., Williams, K. D., Ayers, T., Chhatwal, J., Kurt, M., Lobo, J. M., Roberts, M. S., Zaric, G., Zhang, S., & Schwartz, J. S. (2017). From data to improved decisions: Operations research in healthcare delivery. Medical Decision Making, 37(8), 849-859.×17705636 (Links to an external site.)

English Standard Version (2021). Luke 14:28 (ESV). (Links to an external site.)

Hofmann, E., & Rutschmann, E. (2018). Big data analytics and demand forecasting in supply chains: a conceptual analysis. International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(2), 739-766. (Links to an external site.)

Langabeer II, J. R., & Helton, J. (2021). Health care operations management: A system perspective, (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN; 9781284194142

Second reply

Operations research is the application of quantitative tools and techniques that aid in the incorporation of data in the decision making process (Langabeer & Helton, 2021). The use of these tools and analytics allow for greater quality of decisions of operations and forecasting within the organization. “ To maintain efficient operations, organizations need to optimize patient and other process flows” through: the understanding of the demands of the patients; improving throughput by the use of de-bottlenecking approaches; the maintenance of flows of patients and assets through the use of tracking, and capacity and resources being aligned with the demand of the organize (p.109). The use of operations research in health care has led to the development of various health care applications including: emergency department staffing; operating room planning, screening of breast cancer, home health care planning, planning of radiotherapy treatment, long-term care planning and scheduling (Xie & Lawley, 2021). Using operations research, health care organizations are enabled to make data-driven decisions (Langabeer & Helton, 2021).

A few of the operation research tools include quantitative tools, forecasting patient demand and volumes, debottlenecking, and product service patterns.Quantitative tools allow for problem solving key areas operational research can impact. This allows the “ modeling of patient volumes and flow through organizations and health systems” (p.110). Linear programming allows the minimization of labor costs. Linear programming involves mathematical techniques that make decisions that find trade offs that can aid in resource allocation, focusing on maximizing values such as revenue, and minimizing values such as costs. Simulation models are also used as a quantitative tool. Simulations allow a computer model to predict the performance and/or behavior response of a process and how particular variables might respond.

Operations research has aided in the development of improved patient flow, which allows patients to move between facilities or services within their care pathway ( Capan et al., 2017). For example, surgical suite patient flow has been adapted to improve the provision of surgical services to patients. Post surgery, the patient is allowed to recover in a post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) and then transferred to another inpatient unit. “ The optimization aspect targeted the length of stay in PACU,as it is associated with hospital length of stay, cost of care, and PACU capacity to accommodate other patients scheduled for recovery” (p.855). This was done through discrete-event simulation, allowing the comparison of “schedules provided by integer programming with alternative schedules” (p.855). Allowing for optimization of developing surgical schedules and otpimziting the PACU’s length of stay. This was through the minimization of the expected number of new surgical cases being more than the expected discharged amount. The results allowed for more flexibility in scheduling of each service group and allowed for the daily occupancy of inpatient beds to not be so variable from day to day. It also further improved the utilization of the PACU.

Isaiah 30: 21 says : “ Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”(The Holy Bible: New International Version, 1996, 2015). Likewise, as health care administrators the use of data and operations research can aid in our organization becoming more effective and efficient in its application. Using such tools, allows for data-driven decisions to be developed that can allow for greater allocation of resources, staffing changes, and patient flow adaptations that allow for resources to be managed in a better method. The use of simulation allowed for better application and direction of patient flow within the surgical unit- optimizing space and staffing allocation and regaining resources that could be better spent elsewhere.


Capan, M., Khojandi, A., Denton, B. T., Williams, K. D., Ayer, T., Chhatwal, J., Kurt, M., Lobo, J. M., Roberts, M. S., Zaric, G., Zhang, S., & Schwartz, J. S. (2017). From data to improved decisions: Operations research in healthcare delivery. Medical Decision Making, 37(8), 849-859. (Links to an external site.)

Holy Bible, New Living Translation. (2015). BibleGateway.… (Original work published 1996).

Langabeer, J. R., & Helton, J. (2021). Health care operations management: A systems perspective (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Xie, X., & Lawley, M. A. (2015). Operations research in healthcare. International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7173-7176.

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