solved Within-Subject Experimental Methods Imagine you are a teacher charged with

Within-Subject Experimental Methods 
Imagine you are a teacher charged with the responsibility of supervising elementary students playing during recess. One day, you are visibly present to the students, carefully navigating the playground to oversee behaviors of play; you do not notice any behaviors where you might need to intervene (such as fights, bullying, unfair play, etc.). The next day, you follow the same pattern and notice no disruptive behaviors. However, on the third day, you walk around less and find you must redirect some bullying instances. The following day, you go back to your regular pattern, and there are no incidences. How might you assess the situation? Does consistently walking around, being present throughout the playground, reduce the likelihood of disruptive behavior? These types of questions and scenarios are typical areas studied for a within-subjects experimental method (Privitera, 2017). Specifically, researchers examine the same group participants and observe over time with the intent to rule-out time-related factors, which may help reveal what differences may be due to manipulation (Privitera, 2017). 
Your text reveals an example of music and its possible connection to how participants feel during running (Privitera, 2017), looking at how to control for what may be manipulating runners to feel good one day and not on another (i.e., music or possibly other factors, such as fatigue). This week, you will evaluate the processes of the within-subjects experimental method. These processes involve criteria for design, considerations for development such as time-related factors, counterbalancing, controlling for threats against validity, selecting and comparing related samples, and application of statistical tests in support for datasets (Privitera, 2017)
PT 1: I will need to add information from this week’s materials to your Research Chart. 
In the corresponding section, provide the name(s) of the method you reviewed, its primary use and when it should be used, strengths and limitations of the method, ethical considerations, and one example of when the method could be used (include your interests or something more general).
Length: Updated research chart, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to cite resources used in your assignment.
PT 2: I have to extend my examination of the within-subjects experimental method into two hands-on activities. Referring to page 367 and the SPSS in Focus: Related-Samples t-test in your text, follow the steps for conducting this analysis. Then, on page 372, I have to follow the steps provided for the SPSS in Focus: One-Way Within-Subjects ANOVA.
PT 3:

For this week’s reflection, consider the following points: 

Explain the research situations that may require you to use within-subjects experimental methods (be sure to give examples/be specific).
Examine the limitations and benefits learned about these methods and their use.
Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods.
Reflect on your experience with this week’s SPSS activity.
Include any questions you may have for your professor.

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