solved write a 8 – 10 page paper (MLA format with

write a 8 – 10 page paper (MLA format with citations) based on their learning and understanding of the field of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. This research paper will reflect student understanding of the following SLO & PLOs:

analyze the impact of specific practices, programs, and benchmarks (qualitative / quantitative) used by organizations to support valuing diversity.
analyze the impact of tools, methods, and significant barriers, for effective Internal organizational communication.
explore or analyze the impact of Change Management on profitability.
analyze the impact of key HR drivers for organizational innovation and sustainability

Research Paper 

Read:’s “2019 Workforce 100: Ranking the World’s Top Companies For HR” – , carefully examine each of the companies that made the list, and select one organization for you to do a deep dive into
Pretend that we have no idea who this company is or what they do – provide the following to give us a sense of “who they are” (not limited to these items): an introduction to the company, background, history, driving philosophies / mission, products / services (what they are known for), strategic goals, and etc. Whatever you feel is pertinent and important in the context of HR
Research and thoroughly discuss your selected company’s approach to the following areas of HR / organizational behavior (this should be the core section you spend the most time on):

HR Planning / Human Capital Strategy
Staffing / Recruitment / Selection / Onboarding
Performance Management
Training and Development
One Other Category of Your Choosing (Examples: Compensation & Benefits / Diversity and Inclusion / Technology / Global Business)

should demonstrate the ability to research existing literature / information and integrate new ideas into the current understanding of the OB / HRM arena.  As researchers, you are expected to contribute to “the body of knowledge”.

What should they change? Why does the company approach the topic a certain way? What research / data / principles / theories are they basing their practices on? What do you think will improve their strategy? How can they continue to be successful in the next year / 5 years / 10 years? Etc.
Make your you use what you’ve learned and researched to contribute to the wholistic understanding of the topic from an HR standpoint – provide value added commentary / information

Consider the following for structure:

Section (1) a well honed thesis statement and introduction
Section (2) recap of the company
Section (3) dissecting the company’s approach to different aspects of HR – including a comprehensive review of the literature / articles / sources / studies / etc. – discuss methodology, consider including specific details of your research design – qualitative research methods (ex: interviews) or a quantitative research methods (ex: surveys)
Section (4) a conclusion which adequately summarizes your research and directly relates to your thesis statement

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