solved Write a short proposal to solve a problem, improve a

Write a short proposal to solve a problem, improve a process, or improve an unsatisfactory condition in your life: at school, on job, in your home or neighborhood, etc.  You may do this in the format of a business letter or memo (if you work for the same organization) addressed to the person or agency that has the power to approve or disapprove of your proposal, or you may write it in the format of a short report. 
Discuss the problem, the background of the problem (if significant), the impact of the problem, and detail your proposed solution and its implementation, costs, and benefits.  If this is something you are proposing to fix yourself, you may want to explain why you are the right person to do the job. 
Be careful. You are not writing a complaint letter, you are writing a proposal. Be sure you know the difference. You are not asking someone to solve a problem for you, in other words. Make sure you understand the correct format to use. Unless you are members of the same organization, your proposal should be in the format of a business letter.
Be sure to describe any actions you need or recommend on the part of decision-makers (those who have the power to accept or reject your proposal).  Use the chapter from WOJ on proposals as a guide to determining content and strategy.

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