solved Write this recommendation report about hydrogen vs electrical vehicles that
Write this recommendation report about hydrogen vs electrical vehicles that I have attached below to become a MAGAZINE ARTICLE. (write 2,500 words or above)Please follow the instruction:1. In Journalism terms, your Magazine Article should be a Descriptive Feature Article. Write 2,500 words or above, divided into appropriate paragraphs.2. Use your entire Recommendation Report as your guide, not just part of it.3. Relay your research as important information. Relay accurate facts.4. Make your article conversational, a friendly conversation.5. Write vivid descriptions. Use imagery.6. Use details.7. Use humor.8. Relay an interpretation, an interpretation of the facts. Give your own personal opinion.9. Seize the reader’s imagination.10. Insert a mini-narrative that captures the reader’s attention.11. You can use the 2nd person, in addition to the 1st person and 3rd person.12. Try to write a catchy beginning, one that arouses attention immediately.
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