solved write two full page on What were the causes, leaders,

write two full page on What were the causes, leaders, and outcomes and consequences of World War I?500-800words double spaced 2 work cited 2 pages Introduction Body – causesbody- causesbody – leadersbody – extra background conclusion Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.JULY 28, 1914Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I.AUGUST 2-7, 1914Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium. France invades Alsace. British forces arrive in France. Nations allied against Germany were eventually to include Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodesia, Romania, Greece, France, Belgium, United States, Canada, Serbia, India, Portugal, Montenegro, and Poland.AUGUST 10, 1914Austria-Hungary invades Russia.SEPTEMBER 9, 1914Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne.FEBRUARY 18, 1915Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain.APRIL 25, 1915Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire.MAY 7, 1915German submarine sinks the passenger liner Lusitania during crossing from New York to Liverpool, England, killing 128 Americans.[LUSITANIA, 1907-1914, New York City: broadside view, maiden voyage, crowd in foregrd.] 1907. George Grantham Bain Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-55384MAY 23, 1915Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.FEBRUARY 21, 1916Germany begins the attack on Verdun.Verdun. Print (poster): lithograph. Maurice Toussaint. Paris: Cornille & Serre, [1919]. French World War I posters, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZC2-4113MAY 31, 1916Naval Battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets.JULY 1, 1916Allied offensive begins the Battle of the Somme.Taking away the wounded in motor ambulance (Somme). Stereograph. Meadville, Pa.: Keystone View Co., c1918. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-114922DECEMBER 18, 1916Battle of Verdun ends with 550,000 French and 450,000 German casualties.FEBRUARY 1, 1917Germany returns to unrestricted submarine warfare halted after the sinking of the Lusitania.FEBRUARY 3, 1917United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.APRIL 6, 1917The United States declares war on Germany.JUNE 7, 1917General John J. Pershing, newly selected commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, arrives in England with his staff.[John Joseph Pershing . . . with eleven members of his staff, on deck of ship]. [between 1910 and 1920]. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-113652JUNE 24, 1917American combat forces arrive in France.DECEMBER 15, 1917Russia signs armistice with Germany.JANUARY 8, 1918President Woodrow Wilson presents to Congress his outline of Fourteen Points required for peace.Woodrow Wilson. In album: Woodrow Wilson, Herbert E. French, National Photo Company, 1921. National Photo Company Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-113824FEBRUARY 8, 1918The Stars and Stripes begins publication with a first issue of one thousand copies. Second Lieutenant Guy T. Viskniskki is the first managing editor of the newspaper.MARCH 3, 1918Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.MARCH 21, 1918Germany begins its final offensive of the war.MARCH 1918American women recruited to serve as bilingual telephone operators for the AEF arrive in Europe.MAY 28, 1918United States forces are victorious in the Battle of Cantigny, the first independent American operation.JUNE 2, 1918American forces stop German attempt to cross the Marne River at Chateau-Thierry.Another notch, Chateau Thierry – U.S. Marines. Print (poster): lithograph. Adolph Treidler, [1917]. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZC4-10664JULY 26, 1918The Stars and Stripes suspends the Sporting Page.SEPTEMBER 12, 1918American First Army attacks St. Mihiel salient.St. Mihiel. Print (poster): lithograph. Maurice Toussaint. Paris: Cornille & Serre, [1919]. French World War I posters, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZC2-4112SEPTEMBER 26, 1918Allied forces begin the attack at Meusse-Argonne, the final offensive of the war.[Infantry] advancing on path through barbed wire entanglements . . . 107th Inf., 27th Div., near Beauquesnes, Somme, France. September 13, 1918. John Joseph Pershing Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-87811NOVEMBER 11, 1918Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne, ending World War I.DECEMBER 1918Harold Ross assumes editorship of The Stars and Stripes.DECEMBER 1, 1918British and American forces enter Germany.DECEMBER 16, 1918The Stars and Stripes War Orphans Adoption Campaign ends after raising 123,047 francs and placing 3,444 orphans for adoption.DECEMBER 27, 1918Sporting Page returns to The Stars and Stripes.JAN. 18, 1919Peace conference begins at Paris.FEBRUARY 8, 1919First anniversary of The Stars and Stripes. Circulation surpasses 500,000.FEBRUARY 14, 1919Draft of the covenant of the League of Nations is completed.JUNE 13, 1919Last issue of The Stars and Stripes is published.JUNE 28, 1919Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles. The United States signs treaty of guaranty, pledging to defend France in case of an unprovoked attack by Germany.NOVEMBER 19, 1919United States Senate fails to ratify Treaty of Versailles.JANUARY 10, 1920Treaty of Versailles takes effect.MARCH 19, 1920United States Senate fails to ratify Treaty of Versailles for the second time.AUGUST 24-29, 1921United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hunga………The First World War began in the summer of 1914, shortly after the assassination of Austria’s Archduke, Franz Ferdinand, and lasted more than four years, ending in 1918. The Great War left more than 20 million soldiers dead and 21 million more wounded, which can be attributed to trench warfare and the number of countries involved in the war. For aspiring historians, understanding the causes of World War I are equally as important as understanding the conflict’s devastating effects. Though the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the direct precipitating event leading to the declaration of war, there were many other factors that also played a role in leading up to World War I (WWI).European ExpansionismIn the 1900s, several European nations had empires across the globe, where they had control over vast swaths of lands. Prior to World War I, the British and French Empires were the world’s most powerful, colonizing regions like India, modern-day Vietnam and West and North Africa. The expansion of European nations as empires (also known as imperialism) can be seen as a key cause of World War I, because as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries. The tensions were a result of many colonies often being acquired through coercion. Then, once a nation had been conquered, it was governed by the imperial nation: many of these colonial nations were exploited by their mother countries, and dissatisfaction and resentment was commonplace. As British and French expansionism continued, tensions rose between opposing empires, including Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, leading to the creation of the Allied Powers (Britain and France) and Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire) during World War I.Serbian NationalismNationalism was one of many political forces at play in the time leading up to World War I, with Serbian nationalism in particular, playing a key role. Serbian nationalism can be dated to the mid- and late-1800s, though two precipitating nationalism events are directly linked to the start of WWI. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought independence from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina to form a unified Serbian state. With the decline of the Ottoman Empire, Serbian nationalism continued to rise, culminating in the assassination of the Archduke of Austria in 1914 by a Bosnian Serb and officially triggering the start of the Great War.The Assassination of Franz FerdinandOn June 28, 1914, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Ferdinand was chosen as a target because he was to be the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On the day of his assassination, the Archduke traveled to Sarajevo to inspect imperial armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, former Ottoman territories acquired by Austria-Hungary in 1908. While Ferdinand was traveling in an open car in Sarajevo, Princip fired into the car, shooting Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Following the assassination, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, which was rejected and led Austria-Hungary to declare war against Serbia, with German support. Russia then came to Serbia’s defense, therefore initiating the First World War.Conflicts over AlliancesIn the age of imperialism prior to World War I, countries throughout Europe had created alliances. The alliances promised that each country would support the other if war ever broke out between an ally and another Great Power. Prior to WWI, the alliances of Russia and Serbia; France and Russia; Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary; Britain, France and Belgium; France, Britain and Russia; and Japan and Britain were firmly in place. The alliance, between France, Britain and Russia, formed in 1907 and called the Triple Entente, caused the most friction among nations. Germany felt that this alliance surrounding them was a threat to their power and existence. As tensions continued to rise over alliances, the preexisting alliances fed into other countries declaring war against one another in the face of conflict. These conflicts over alliances — which forced nations to come to the defense of one another — led to the formation of the two sides of World War I, the Allied and Central Powers. By the start of the war, Italy and the United States entered on the side of the Allied Powers, which consisted of Russia, France and Great Britain. The Central Powers, alternately, consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.The Blank Check Assurance: Conspired Plans of Germany and Austria-HungaryThe alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary at the start of World War I is also commonly known as the “blank check assurance.” In July 1914, during a meeting between members of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Ambassador to Berlin, the German Emperor and the German Chancellor, Germany offered Austria-Hungary unconditional support in the wake of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This “blank check,” via unconditional support, sought military and political triumph in securing the Balkans. It also gave Austro-Hungarian leaders the confidence needed to embark on war against Serbia. Today, historians regard it as one of the most controversial decisions in the history of modern warfare, particularly because Germany failed to withdraw the unconditional support when given the opportunity. It is also widely recognized as one of the main reasons Germany is seen as responsible for the escalation and continuation of World War I.Germany Millenarianism – Spirit of 1914Millenarianism is a belief held by a religious, political or social group or movement that a coming major transformation will occur, after which all things will be changed. For Germany, leading into World War I, historians report that the Spirit of 1914 was high, with support from the German population for participation in the war. The German government believed that the onset of war and its support of Austria-Hungary was a way to secure its place as a leading power, which was supported by public nationalism and further united it behind the monarchy. The success Germans saw in the opening battles of WWI provided a platform for the German government to position itself as able to accomplish more when unified and nationalistic. However, this millenarianism was short-lived, as Germany was unprepared to fight the long war, which took a dramatic and demoralizing toll on its people and later set the stage for the rise of the Third Reich, less than two decades later.Following the events above, World War I moved into full force from 1914 through 1918, ending when peace was brokered between the German and Central Forces and the Allied Powers with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. However, this treaty forced punitive measures on Germany that further destabilized Europe and laid the groundwork for the start of World War II. By understanding the causes of World War I, historians can develop a keen comprehension of how and why this devastating conflict began.LEARN MORENorwich University is an important part of American history. Established in 1819, Norwich is a nationally recognized institution of higher education, the birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), and the first private military college in the United States.With Norwich University’s online Master of Arts in History program, you can enhance your awareness of differing historical viewpoints while developing the skills needed to refine your research, writing, analysis, and presentation skills. The program offers two tracks – American History and World History, allowing you to tailor your studies to your interests and goals.Recommended Readings: History of American Propaganda Posters5 Key Cold War EventsCareer Outlook: History ProfessorSources:Outbreak of World War I, HistoryImperialism as a Cause of World War I, Alpha HistoryWorld War I: A History, Google BooksThe Spirit of 1914: Militarism, Myth, and Mobilization in Germany, Google BooksGermany’s Blank Cheque to Austria-Hungary, International EncyclopediaThe European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia, Google BooksArchduke Ferdinand Assassinated, HistoryNationalism, International EncyclopediaImperialism, International EncyclopediaGerman trenches on the Aisne, Library of Congre

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