solved Write your answer in complete sentences, with each major point
Write your answer in complete sentences, with each major point in a separate paragraph. Be careful to provide a basic chronology for the events you describe; this means you must put down the approximate dates in which they occur.A) What were the various motives for imperialism throughout the world? How did European nations justify continued territorial expansion and the exploitation of other cultures? What strategies did imperialist nations employ to conquer and control their colonies, and how did nations like Japan attempt to thwart these actions? Finally, how did imperialist ventures contribute to the outbreak of World War One? Draw on the specific ideas from lecture and discussion, as well as Things Fall Apart and other relevant assigned readings, to support your argument.C) What major underlying factors made the outbreak of the First World War in Europe almost inevitable by 1914?What kinds of conditions did people face both on the battlefield and at the home front? Who ultimately won the war, and what were the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles? How were Europe and other parts of the world changed as a result of the conflict? Utilize evidence from All Quiet on the Western Front, as well as your other source documents, to make a persuasive case.
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