solved Writing Your Paper:Your reading critique will consist of two basic

Writing Your Paper:Your reading critique will consist of two basic sections, plus the resources used (articles, books, web sites, etc.).For this assignment, all aspects of APA format will be required: title page, main body of the paper with author citations, and reference page.Section IThis section will include two parts:1) a topic paragraph which contains a brief description of your topic and a couple of questions you will try to answer in the body of your paper and;2) a one page outline which identifies three or four major areas of inquiry and points to consider within each. IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH HOW TO CREATE AN OUTLINE, CHECK THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT, WHICH PROVIDES INSTRUCTIONS.How to Make an Outline A few sample areas of questioning might be: 1) What is the main theme or theory? 2) How does the author define leadership? 3) In what situations can this theory be applied? 4) What is required to apply this theory? The purpose of this topic paragraph and the outline are to help you organize your thoughts and integrate your sources. Every part of the outline should be developed in your paper and sources should be cited. The topic paragraph you write for this section may be used as the introductory paragraph for the completed paper. This section will be posted to a discussion page and shared with your peers. In this way, everyone is exposed to all ideas and theories. Section IIThis section will consist of your written research paper, covering the areas of inquiry listed in your outline in detail. In the conclusion of your paper apply what you learned in your research to the task of being an early childhood director; include a statement or two commenting on the relationship between what you learned and staff morale.The paper itself should consist of 6-7 pages of expository text with a separate page of resources with two correctly formatted citations per page, giving proper credit to each author. See APA Format.doc download for information about author citations Suggestions to improve research report writing:Uses specific headings to identify each section and key ideaUse your outline to write your paper.Separate different ideas by paragraphsBegin your report with a topic paragraph and end it with a concluding paragraphMain body of the paper contains at least two (2) author citations per pageFinal paragraph should serve to bring paper to appropriate closureFor this paper, use APA documentation for citations, references and resources – Refer to APA Format.doc or The Little, Brown Essential Handbook by Jane E. Aaron for the correct format or go to (Links to an external site.) for information.Paper should be typed; content of paper (excluding resource page) will be at least 6-7 pages in length, with a 9-page maximum.Refer to the writing rubric at the end of this paper for specifics about evaluation and expectations.Possible ReferencesThis is to be considered a beginning list only. Feel free to be creative in your selection of author, topic and theory; just be prepared to apply your topic to the task of being a director.The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer JohnsonLeadership and the One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard, Patricia & Drea ZigarmiSituational Leadership, Kenneth Blanchard & Paul HerseyHeart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Kenneth BlanchardTop Ten Mistakes Leaders Make, Hans FinzelThe Respectful Leader:Seven Ways to Influence Without Intimidation, Gregg WardTime Power by Brian TracyTime Management from the Inside Out, Julie MorgensternThe Empowered Manager, Peter BlockVisionary Director, Margie Carter, Deb CurtisSeven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven CoveySeven Habits of Highly Effective People, and Principle-Centered Leadership, Steven CoveyLeadership for Everyone, Peter J. Dean, Ph.D.Primal Leadership, Daniel GolemanEmotional Intelligence 2.0 Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves9 Things a Leader Must Do, Dr. Henry CloudOn Being a Leader, Roger NeugebauerManagement of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, Paul HerseyWho Moved My Cheese, Spencer JohnsonLeadership Challenge, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. PosnerTurn The Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders,, L. David Marquet & Stephen R, CoveyLeadership 101, John C. MaxwellLeadership, Tom PetersHow Full Is Your Bucket?, Tom Rath, Donald CliftonStart With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon SinekLeaders Eat Last: Why Ssome Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t, Simon SinekLearning To Lead: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children, Debra Ren-Etta SullivanThe Fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization, Peter SengeWhy the Best Man for the Job is a Woman, Esther Wachs

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