solved Written Case StudiesFollow the directions as outlined in your syllabus

Written Case StudiesFollow the directions as outlined in your syllabus and which are repeated below.You are to address Questions 1 and 4 ONLY on pg. 282 in the text. Write a report to Vicky Roberts covering all of the issues she references in Question 1, 750 words minimum to 1500 words maximum, excluding cover page, abstract, and references. Your response to Question 4 should be submitted as an Appendix to the body of the Case Study and will not add to the word count. Do not submit as a numbered Q & A submission or as a bulleted list of data but rather as a completed written paper. In other words, incorporate your answers to Question 1 into your case study analysis essay and your response to Question 4 as an Appendix as stated above.Students are responsible for their own time management and should ensure they complete the papers earlier, rather than waiting until the night the assignment is due. Avoid that overwhelmed feeling that comes from waiting until the last minute to start a written paper that carries a significant point allocation.The student should relate the essay to the chapter materials and issues. All students should do any Internet and/or library database research required prior to writing a response. Note that the instructor does not recognize Wikipedia as a suitable reference source due to the editable nature of the material found there which raises concerns about veracity and validity of content. Do not cite Wikipedia nor list Wikipedia in your references for any assignments. Ensure that proper grammar, correct spelling, sentence structure, accurate punctuation, and material citations are included for maximum point consideration. Neglecting to cite other authors’ original material is plagiarism and will be graded accordingly (see the Academic Honesty section in the syllabus on page 9). Your reference page for the Section Case Studies must include at least three resources in addition to your textbook.Submit the essay as an attachment in proper APA format as a Microsoft® Word document with proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, citations, cover and reference pages. Access GBC’s Academic Success Center web page for resources to aid in proper formatting (Links to an external site.) or review the information announced previously here. This assignment will be submitted through the VeriCite plagiarism detection software. Due to the high point allocation of these assignments, an exceptionally high quality submission is expected with depth, detail, and analysis for maximum point consideration. Anticipate approximately one week grading turnaround time.The instructor strongly recommends that, for any written submission, you ask a trusted friend, colleague or willing professor or seek guidance from the GBC Academic Success Center to review your document for coherence, readability, and the other items mentioned above. Feedback from another set of eyes can sometimes earn a full grade or two higher than you would receive otherwise.RubricCase Study 1: The Pert MustangCase Study 1: The Pert MustangCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent50 ptsStudent submission addresses each of the Case Study questions in depth with high quality content and analysis. Additional research has been undertaken and is properly cited.42 ptsStudent submission addresses most of the Case Study questions with quality content and analysis. Additional research may have been undertaken but is not cited.35 ptsStudent submission addresses some of the Case Study questions with limited in-depth, content, and analysis. Additional research has not been undertaken.30 ptsStudent submission does not address the Case Study questions accurately or at all.50 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Count Parameter5 ptsStudent submission is within the word count parameters of 750 words minimum and 1500 words maximum.4 ptsStudent submission is above the maximum word count parameter of 1500 words.3 ptsStudent submission is below the minimum word count parameter of 750 words.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper APA Formatting10 ptsStudent submission meets all of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.9 ptsStudent submission meets most of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.7 ptsStudent submission meets some of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.0 ptsStudent submission is severely lacking in proper APA formatting or has not cited non-original material.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, punctuation, and appropriate level academic writing.10 ptsSubmission is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.6 ptsSubmission contains less than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.0 ptsSubmission contains more than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and/or not written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.10 ptsTotal Points: 75PreviousNext

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