solved You are to do the following:Â Read: Case – McKinsey

You are to do the following: 

Read: Case – McKinsey – how-covid has-pushed-companies-over-the technology tipping-point.pdf(attached)
Research your company of interest and find their COVID response. 
Find 5 links or stories about how that company changed (these will be your main points).
Connect those events together as a narrative.

Once you’ve done your due diligence, there are 2 deliverables you must provide.

Create a Slide Deck (Refer to the example in the Files Tab Folder ‘Examples’)

Slide deck must be 18 slides total and MUST include these 3 slides:

A Title Slide (Please call your presentation something)
A TLDR slide or, 3 sentence overview of your presentation
A final slide with your names and contact information (email / social media)

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