solved You have to read the story “Cathedral” and write an

You have to read the story “Cathedral” and write an essay (1500-1750 words) in MLA style examine how the narrator’s viewpoint changes throughout the story. You might also argue whether or not the narrator has a true epiphany at the climax of the story. This essay relies mainly on textual support from the primary text, but includes at least 5 secondary sources that support/sustain the student’s argument.Notes:1. Need original2. Try not to have basic grammar mistake3. Need 5 secondary sources from online databases 4. This is critical analysis not plot summaryIntroductionThe student establishes the importance of the literary theme or topic being analyzed in his/her opening paragraph. The essay uses an anecdote or some research to demonstrate why the chosen subject is significant to the primary text being analyzed. The introduction insists on the need to redefine the issue.15% ThesisThe thesis asserts a clear and coherent interpretation of the selected theme or topic, explaining the theme/topic’s function within either the work or the work’s genre.15% Organization and DevelopmentOn a paragraph by paragraph basis, the essay uses transition devices and topic sentences to remind readers of the basic thesis being argued. Each paragraph demonstrates a proficiency with literary analysis by explicating cited passages. Secondary sources (research) are cited to support the student’s thesis, or as a contrast to it. Each paragraph is well-developed.15% ResearchThe essay employs a combination of 5 secondary sources from online databases to demonstrate knowledge of existing criticism on the chosen theme or topic in the work selected. 15% MLA Formatting, including in-text parenthetical citation and Works CitedThe essay demonstrates proficiency with the use of parentheses to designate the page of a cited quote from either the primary or secondary source, recognizing that MLA does not make use of “p.” or “pg.” The student demonstrates knowledge of when to include the author’s last name within the parentheses (Bishop 106) and when not to (106). The Works Cited page demonstrates a commitment to the proper MLA formatting procedures outlined at (Links to an external site.). Among these procedures: listing authors in alphabetical order by last name; authors’ last names listed first, followed by first name; proper citation of title using italics for full-length books and quotation marks for article, short story, and poems; use of place, publisher, and date of publication for books and journal title, volume and issue, date of publication, and page numbers for articles; use of punctuation including periods, commas, and semi-colons; and proper acknowledgment of medium of publication, including use of “Print” for physical books (“hard copy”) and articles consulted and URL and date access documentation for sources read online (Web. Date).10% ConclusionThe student has incorporated a clear conclusion that goes beyond simply summarizing the topic to include the potential implications of their analysis.10% Punctuation/GrammarThe student has followed punctuation and grammar rules throughout the paper. The student has also paid attention to accuracy in spelling and the overall formatting of the paper.10% ImprovementThe essay shows signs of concerted effort on student’s part to correct grammar errors from previous assignments and to demonstrate improvement over the course of the semester.

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