solved You should have a answer and reply two students’ answer.Discussion

You should have a answer and reply two students’ answer.Discussion Board Prompt Chapter 6 Verbal CommunicationBefore you begin this assignment READ Discussion Board Instructions/Expectations [READ]Read Chapter 6 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills.Discussion Board PromptIdentify an informative speech you have experienced and enjoyed. The speech could be from a live event or an electronic broadcast. *Who gave the informative speech? *When was the speech given? *What was the topic of the informative speech? *What was the occasion for the speech? * What were some of the main ideas of the informative speech?Using references from the text book answer the following questions about the informative speech experience you had: *What did you like about the informative speech? *Even though you enjoyed the informative speech, based on the text book, what suggestions can you offer to make the speech better? *If you were the speaker, what would you have done differently?Chapter 6: Verbal Communication in Interpersonal RelationshipsOverviewThis chapter examines verbal communication. It defines the terms, looks at key elements that affect verbal communication. In addition, it provides opportunities to analyze verbal communication situations. Students are given instructions on how to develop a brief oral presentation.ObjectivesTo define verbal communicationTo identify key elements of verbal communication situationsTo engage in analyis of verbal communication situationsTo develop oral presentation projectsExploring Verbal CommunicationWhat is said in a communication event is an important part of the communication process. Often what is said can make or break the event.One webpage I discovered pointed out four basic forms of communication:Verbal—A person has complete control over the words used.Paraverbal—How something is said.Body language—Body movements and facial expressions in the communication situation.Personal space—Space between you and another person, as well as personal appearance and how you arrange your work space.Four Types of Communication: What is Your Communication Style?The authors of this webpage explained that it is important to know your own form of communicating, but also to learn about other people’s style of communicating. In their webpage they further discussed different communication styles.Direct—Decisive in actions, competitive, likes winning.Spirited—Friendly, outgoing, rather be with people.Considerate—Prefer warm personal relationships.Systematic—Make decisions based on facts.Four Types of Communication: What is Your Communication Style?Communication—An Inclusive ProcessCommunication is an inclusive process. Involvement from all parties can assist in making the process complete. If you are speaking to someone and they are ignoring you, it makes it difficult to communicate. However, if they are engaging with you, even when you do not agree, it makes the process smoother.Everyone in a communication event has to be considered. The more aware a person is of the form of communication and the individual styles of sending and receiving message, the greater the six key factors to successful communication, which are identified by Conover Company. They wrote the following:ListeningVerbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationEmotional AwarenessWritten CommunicationCommunicating in Difficult SituationsThe 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication | The Conover CompanyKnowledge Checkpoint 6.1Visit the following webpage:The 6 Key Factors to Successful CommunicationBased on your reading of the webpage, is the following question true or false?Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills) (1918). That is not a typo, soft skills has been identified as critically important for workplace success for almost 100 years.–TrueFalseLanguage—A Fundamental Communication ToolHuman beings are unique among the earthly species in the use of language. Language is a system of symbols that allows human beings to send and receive messages. It does not matter what language one is using, linguistic symbols are the fundamental tool for relaying and receiving the messages. Words are the backbone of language. The exchange of ideas and information is based on the use of agreed upon words. When there are limitations in the use of words, it can cause misunderstandings.Symbolism in LanguageAll languages have certain characteristics. The fact that all language is symbolic is a primary concept in understanding language. We use language all day in many ways. The fact that it is symbolic means that the letters, the basis of language, and the way they are strung together represent certain ideas. It’s like looking at a picture. The images on the picture mean different things to different people. Words create pictures that shape ideas. The images on the picture mean different things to different people. For example a girl and boy going on a date might interpret the words, “I love you,” in different ways. For example, the girl might say, “I love you,” and mean I want to be with you for a long time. The boy might say, “I love you,” and mean simply, I want to have sex with you.Personal InsightThe confederate flag means something different to a former slave owner than it does to a descendant of slaves. When I see the confederate flag hanging on the porch of a neighbor here in San Diego, I feel the disdain the owner has for me, as he attempts to avoid eye contact. I see his chest puffing out in a gesture of superiority. While I attempt to avoid his eye contact and spirit, it is inevitable that we cross paths and each stand strong in our disdain for the opposing point of view. For the people of my neighbor’s background, the confederate flag is s symbol of pride and integrity. The same symbol, to a person who is a descendant of slaves, is a symbol of assault and affront.Language has semantic rulesA semantic rule is the way a society creates words and gives them meaning. Every day new words are added to the dictionary. Speak to a teenager and learn some new words right away. If you study dictionaries, you will find new word listing all the time. This happens because society continually has new experiences, inventions, or objects that require new symbols or words to define and describe them.Levels of MeaningWords have several dimensions of meaning. On one level there is the denotative meaning. A denotative meaning is the dictionary definition of a word.Another level of meaning is the connotative dimension of a word. The connotative meaning refers to what the words mean on a personal level.Culture and LanguageFor many people language is not only the medium of culture but also a part of culture. Immigrants often use language as a way of preserving their culture. In some communities, there is a preference to let go of the original language in order to merge into the existing society. For example, sometime Mexican families choose to not teach their children Spanish, because they want them to be proficient in speaking English.On the other hand, there are many Spanish-speaking people who insist on keeping the culture alive. In these cases Spanish is the preferred language. Those who do not speak the language fluently are often criticized.A culture, no matter which one it is, is dependent on people to pass the culture on to others. Language is the vehicle for passing culture from generation to generation.Knowledge Checkpoint 6.2Visit the following web page:List of languages by number of native speakersAccording to this website, which of the following languages has more native speakers than any other language?Visit the following web page:List of languages by number of native speakersAccording to this website, which of the following languages has more native speakers than any other language? Arabic Spanish Hindi English Mandarin Chinese Image © Nadia_Bomotova / iStock / Getty Images PlusGender and LanguageThe fact that there are differences in the use of language based on gender is well documented. The stereotype of the soft-spoken female and the outspoken male begins early in life and is often carried over into adult life.This phenomenon is explored in the research of some sociologists. One author states:“Gender differences in language phenomenon are not accidental; they have the profound social root. Gender differences are the fundamental facts of social life and human differences. It reflects that there is a long historical origin in language difference phenomenon.” (Dong Jin-yu, 2014)In a different study, the author wrote:“This may come as a surprise. At first, gender might seem irrelevant to language. However, researchers have repeatedly demonstrated a strong relationship between gender and how language is acquired, developed, and used. Gender seems to have an impact on language development even in very different historical and cultural contexts.” (The Effects of Gender on Language)The authors of this study concluded:“For example, as a whole, women tend to use language more relationally, or in the context of close relationships with others. Women also tend to have a wider-range of emotional vocabulary, using language more readily to describe their feelings and emotional states.Men, on the other hand, tend to use language more assertively and are more likely to suppress, or hold back, their emotions. As a result, men tend to not express their emotions through language. It is important to note that this is a generalization and is by no means applicable to all men and women worldwide.” (The Effects of Gender on Language)Image © Shutterstock, Inc.The Six C’s of Language UseIn their book Public Speaking, the authors Osborn and Osborn label six words that help focus on effective use of language. Their discussion includes the following words:Clarity—You must understand what you want to sayColor—Emotional expressionConcrete—Using precise languageCorrectness—Use proper language and grammarConciseness—Use direct languagesCultural Sensitivity—Being aware of cultural diversity(Osborn and Osborn Instructors’ Annotated Edition Public Speaking. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006, pp. 331–338).Preparing a short cultural exchange presentationPrepare a 5–6 minute oral presentation discussing a significant aspect of your cultural background that has influenced your self-concept.Topics might include traditions, holidays, sports, language, geography, beliefs, values, material artifacts, food, clothing, writers, artists, musicians, and so on.Get approval of the topic from the instructorPlan an effective introduction, body, and conclusion that develop the idea.Use at least three references to support your presentation.Use the speech evaluation form as a guide to develop your presentation.Practice the presentation at least five times; ask friends and family to listen to your presentation.Be sure to time yourself to stay within the time guidelines.Prepare an outline of your presentation.Image © Shutterstock, Inc.SummaryThis chapter examines components of verbal communication. A definition of key terms has been provided. The chapter includes an identification of key factors that influence verbal communication. A method of developing a brief presentation is provided.

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