solved Your Final Module 3 should have your analysis results in
Your Final Module 3 should have your analysis results in the form of an outline/diary/log (not essay) analysis of your selected 2-3 {or as you & I agreed} websites. See the Module 3 prompt for tasks to be included for your analysis.
?? At the top of your analysis results outline/diary/log, paste your revised, expanded Framing synthesis definition crafted from Lakoff/R+G/Entman. Adjust your Framing definition and how to do framing in order to reflect the actual analysis that you did for your websites.
?? At the end of your document, if you chose to do it, include a copy of the optional “real world” writing that you did (comment, inquiry, cold email, GRE analysis, whatever we arranged, etc.). Be sure to include links to the website(s) that you referred to for which you created your “real world” writing, if relevant.
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