solved Your PICOT question. Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly

Your PICOT question.

Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project:

Provide an evidence-based explanation of why it is necessary to complete your scholarly project and what benefit will be gained (health promotion, fiscal, and efficiency).

Background on the problem or population of interest:

Using primary sources, provide data on your topic.
Providing the background will demonstrate the focused need for your project.

Significance of the problem to nursing and health care:

State how your problem or population of interest aligns with the larger interest of health care in the community.
Create a context to why your topic is important.

Benefit of the project to nursing practice:

State what will be gained from your project.
Describe the expected outcomes of your project to practice within your population and setting.
Relate the outcomes to evidence-based guidelines and outcomes.
Describe how your project may influence other populations or setting


PICOT Questions and an Evidence-Based Assignment (Links to an external site.)
Grademaster Pro. (2021, February 6). PICOT questions and an evidence-based assignment.…

An introduction provides some background information so that readers understand the issue. It explains why the issue is important. It also describes what is known about the issue. Additionally, the introduction states what is needed to find out or what action needs to be taken and why. Finally, it presents how the writer plan to do the project.

What is a PICOT Question?
A PICOT Question is a question that is formatted in an accepted format, and used to develop answerable, researchable questions, especially in nursing. PICOT question mainly answers four main areas including population, intervention, control, outcome, and time.

Formulating a PICOT Question
To formulate a PICOT question, there are three critical elements that should be addressed. The three elements include population, the proposed intervention, the control to compare with the intervention, the expected outcome, and the time within which the intervention will be considered.

For example:
In women of age 60 and above at risk of developing osteoporosis, is educations and medication for one year effective in reducing the complication of osteoporosis compared to none?

In the example given above, the question breaks down as follows: 

Population – Women of age 60 and above
Intervention – Education and medication
Control – None, which means there is no intervention
Outcome – Reducing the complications of osteoporosis
Time – One year


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