solved -Principal of Management: Describe a leader with whom you are

-Principal of Management:
Describe a leader with whom you are familiar. You can choose an effective or an ineffective leader. Please answer the following questions in your discussion:
1. What different kinds of power does he or she use or misuse. Where is that power (or lack thereof) derived from?
2. Describe how your leader exhibits (or does not exhibit) three different leadership traits that the eText lists as important .
3. Of the different models of leaders (transformational, situational, path-goal, authentic, etc.) described in chapter 10 pf the eText, explain how would you classify this leader’s leadership style.
-Addiction & Obsession:
Ten: Family Risks and Resiliencies
Addiction does not only impact individuals, but entire families. 
Watch “A Mother’s Desperation: Resorting to the Law”:…
Then review this important guide:  “Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs”
Then create a 300-word top-level post that responds to the following questions in ESSAY format:

Briefly explain the approach(es) taken by the mother in the film to control her teen’s drug use and addiction. 
Provide an analysis of the approaches to teen addiction depicted in the case study in the film (e.g. Do you agree with resorting to the law to address teen addiction, and with the other strategies used by the mother?)
If you were a parent, how could you approach this case–and teen drug use, in general–differently? (Directly refer to suggestions from the above “Safety First” manual; be sure to consider strength-based approaches, harm reduction, motivational interviewing, and solution-focused therapies, as well). 
Provide some suggestions that might help the mother and other family members cope with the teen’s drug use and addiction  (check out all the literature and resources Al-Anon provides, for example:

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