solved Question 1 (90 marks) Anxiety disorders are the most common

Question 1 (90 marks)
Anxiety disorders are the most common group of psychiatric conditions. Anxiety disorders occur early in childhood with a median age of onset of 6 years. These disorders lead to significant impairment in academic, social, and family functioning. Although the study of anxiety in children and adolescents has increased in recent years, there are still many problems with the assessment of anxiety in this population. One of the major issues is the lack of correspondence among sources of information (i.e., teachers, parents. and children) with respect to diagnostic information.

a) Explain the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorders. Discuss the reasons why reliable and clinically valid assessment of anxiety disorders in children is a challenge. (40 marks, 450 words).  
Tips to answer a): You are expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the differences between anxiety and anxiety disorders. You need to explain the challenges in reliable and clinically valid assessment of anxiety disorders among children.
Anxiety disorders are also very much “gateway” problems—when left untreated. Affected youths and children are at increased risk for the development of other emotional and behavioral difficulties and physical comorbidities. Moreover, poorly managed anxiety increases the risk of problematic substance use in adolescence and young adulthood. Anxiety disorders in adulthood are associated with sizably reduced quality of life, with many affected individuals showing even poorer mental well-being than individuals with diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, hypertension, and a host of other chronic physical conditions. Therefore, effective treatment for anxiety problems is a matter of great public health concern.
b) Determine the various treatment approaches for anxiety disorders. What treatment approaches seem most promising to you? (50 marks, 750 words).
Tips to answer b) Further you are expected to determine the various treatment approaches for anxiety disorders and argue for the most effective treatment approach.

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