solved Part 1 Unit V JournalWhat is one scenario that you
Part 1 Unit V JournalWhat is one scenario that you have experienced where employees were resistant to change withinan organization? How did management handle it? How would you handle the situation as aleader of that company? What actions would you have taken to either prevent the resistance orchange the resistance to acceptance?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.Part 2 Unit VI JournalPay and incentive programs are being used both for knowledge workers and in non-knowledgeworker occupations. In every industry, from restaurants to construction and low-techmanufacturing, companies are using more comprehensive pay and incentive programs to attractand keep workers in a tight labor market. Think about an industry you currently work in, haveworked in, or would like to work in.What incentive programs do you believe would motivate you to perform at a higher level?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.Part 3 Unit VII JournalIn analyzing the needs of the workforce, work-life balance is high on the list of issues facingboth employers and employees. Balance between work and home lives is sought but rarelyhappens for long because of work-family conflict. This conflict is also linked with some otherbad consequences such as stress; absenteeism; burnout; and dissatisfaction with job, family, andlife—all of which can lead to excessive job turnover and the breakup of families. Would youconsider flexible scheduling which allowed you to have work-life balance a benefit? Why, orwhy not? What step would you like to see your current (or previous) employer take to helpenhance your own work-life balance? Explain the benefit to both you and the employer.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessaryPart 4 How can information you learned in this course be applied to your life and/or work to increaseyour future success?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary