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solved https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?ur…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper S

https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?ur…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper Speaker Reaction Papers – For these two (2) papers, you will need to sign up to write about a guest speaker this semester. For these papers, you should choose an idea, issue or question raised by the speaker that you believe is important to the speaker or central […]

solved 1. Why do you want this job? Why do you

1. Why do you want this job? Why do you want to work at (company)?You need to have a good, specific answer for this one. This is your chance to show them you know a thing or two about the company, and about the job you’re applying for. This question separates the applicants who just […]

solved Research Project Essay and Discussion: Hi-Value Shoe Store The ScenarioMary

Research Project Essay and Discussion: Hi-Value Shoe Store The ScenarioMary is the sole owner of Hi-Value Shoe Store, a small business located in a suburban working-class community. She inherited the business from her Aunt Marty three years ago. Up until then, business had been slow because of the declining economy. Lately, however, business has picked […]

solved Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience

Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience for the labor law portion of the class through the application of multiple labor law principles to fact patterns, both included in the movie and hypothetical. Analysis of Selected Scenes from Norma Rae1.Distribution of union flyers  1. distinguish between distribution on and off company property. […]

solved Assignment InstructionsWith this project you’ll answer some essential questions around

Assignment InstructionsWith this project you’ll answer some essential questions around the main topic question:Should the president have extra powers in a time of emergency? If so, what should be the limits on such powers?You should use research to form your opinions and support your arguments. The paper should address the central question and include the […]

solved First part Below, please find some examples of persuasive speeches.

First part Below, please find some examples of persuasive speeches. Based on your readings in the course textbook and lecture folder, state what you think of the speeches. Do you find them effective? What do you like or dislike about them? How is the speaker able to convince or persuade the audience in seeing things […]

solved Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T)

Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T) question for a specific care issue and evaluate the evidence you locate, which could help to answer the question. Introduction PICO(T) is an acronym that helps researchers and practitioners define aspects of a potential study or investigation.  It stands for: P – Patient/population/problem. I – […]

solved For this assignment, your will write an essay analyzing an

For this assignment, your will write an essay analyzing an empirical study. Be sure to provide the APA citation and a link to the article in the reference list within your document. As you complete your essay, reflect on what issues are important to the field vs. the general public, and how you and other […]

solved German opera composer Richard Wagner may have been a musical

German opera composer Richard Wagner may have been a musical genius, but he was also racist and anti-Semitic (Links to an external site.). In fact, he published a treatise called “Jewishness in Music” that attacked Jews in general and the music of Jewish composers Felix Mendelssohn and Giacomo Meyerbeer in particular. In it, he argued […]

solved Prepare the third section of your DYOP (Design Your Own

Prepare the third section of your DYOP (Design Your Own Plan), which covers ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT.  Be sure to utilize the information contained in Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, other course assignments, and class discussions.  Cite references as appropriate. You should approach this project by evaluating where a “world-class” Engineering Champion for Christ would be […]